Part 1 - How It All Began

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[FN/LN] is just an ordinary guy, his results are pretty average as well and as a normal student was how he lived his life until high school. It was then that he finally found his ambition, his desire, and to fulfil it, he studied his way up the scoreboard and got himself a chance to study overboard in Japan.

Part 1:

[Your POV]:

"So this's where I'll be living huh?" I mumbled to myself as I finished unloading my stuff. This is my first time in Japan but I've travelled abroad before so I think I'll be fine. Besides, I have my friend Squid here as well. We met each other online and had been friends with each other for some times now and I was very happy knowing that I'll be living in the same city as him.

After visiting him, I decided to walk around the city alone. Exploring the city was fun, but maybe it got a little too fun, to the point that I walked for so long that I got lost. Although I did study a bit of Japanese before I got here, I never did get good enough to hold a conversation. At this point, even though I know that I should keep my cool, I can't help but feel a bit worry. Guess it showed on my face. Now that I think about it though, if it didn't show on my face, would SHE came to talk to me I wonder?

As I was standing still wondering what I should do, a hand reached out from behind. I was taken by surprise so I instinctively jumped back and fell to the ground. The strange girl walks over:
Strange girl: "あのー大丈夫ですか?"

"Umm-are you okay?"

[FN/LN]: "Huh?"

I looked up following the soft voice. I'm still not sure what happened at that moment. Was it the sun? The time that this happened was about noon so that could be it, otherwise, I have no idea why I saw a bright aura behind her. It was like I saw a goddess, and she was offering me a hand. I grabbed it and she pulled me up. It was now that I can fully see her face. Short black hair, two moles on her right cheek, it was like meeting an angel.

Strange girl: "驚かせて、ごめんなさい。, 困った顔をしているから、大丈夫ですか?"
"Sorry for surprising you, but you looked like you needed help."

As much as I wanted to answer her, I couldn't. Again, I wasn't good enough to hold a conversation. She must have been a very caring person since it only took a couple of gestures for her to understand that I was lost and clearly can't speak Japanese. She pulled out her phone and began using a translator app on her phone, and we began communicating through her phone. I told her my current situation and she told me she'll take me to my apartment. On our way, we talked to each other. Her name is Yuki Nakashima, she's 24 and a part of a band. When we arrived, she chuckled a little bit, we exchanged contacts and she said goodbyes. Somehow her smile feels weird for me, I didn't know why.....yet. Later, standing in front of my door, as I was taking out my key, I saw her walking toward me. "Maybe she forgot to tell me something and came back?' I thought. And boy was I wrong as I see her pulling out a key and unlocking the door next to me. As I was still in shock, the familiar voice of the translator spoke up:

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Yuki Nakashima, and I'll be your next-door neighbour.
You can call me Yukki. Nice to meet you again [FN/LN]-san~."

End of part 1.
P/S: Thank you all for reading part 1 as well. I tried to make this longer but I'm afraid this's the best I can do at the moment. I'll give it my all on part 2 as well, please look forward to it.
Special thanks to Ayako for his translations, he was a big help to this chapter. And thanks to everyone on Discord who gave me their opinions and ideas to keep this story going. Well, see you in the next chapter. Bye~

Nobody Knows My Heart Like You, YukkiWhere stories live. Discover now