chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to dealbrekker for voting on every chapter. Thank you for the support!

Lexi Peterson was a good girl. She was the perfect little obedient daughter. At least that's what her father thought.

It was a couple of days before Christmas and as usual the Petersons were gonna have a Christmas ball at the manor. All pureblood families were invited and Lexi dreaded that day. The girl had to wear a gown and put a fake smile for the whole night. She never had friends there to talk to ( if you don't count Regulus, but he doesn't talk much with her on balls).

Lexi stood before a mirror in her room and looked at herself. Her gown was beautiful. It was a gold dress and was strapless. Her hair was half up half down and she had put on light makeup. As she was looking at her mirror self there was a nock on the door.

" You look beautiful, darling"  her mother, Lilah Peterson, told her as she walked to the room and stood behind her daughter smiling.

" Thanks, mum" Lexi replied

"  Come on, the guests are starting to arrive" Lilah said and walked out of the room with her daughter.


The Potters were an old pureblood family. Of course they were counted as blood traitors but that didn't take away their pureblood privilege. So when James Potter learned that there was a pureblood ball at the Petersons he immediately started pleading his parents to go to the ball.

" Honey, i don't understand why would you want to go to such a thing" his mother, Euphemia, asked him with a confused look

" It's because he wants to see Lexi" Sirius smirked at his best friend

" Lexi?  As in Lexi Peterson? " Euphemia asked

" Yeah" James trailed a little and scratched the back of his neck, blushing a little. " But it's because I know her home life is like Sirius' and I want to make sure she is alright. Please mom"

" Okay, okay. If she is that important to you to make you want to willingly go to a Slytherin pureblood ball, then i guess we could go" she smiled at the grin that broke on her son's face.

" Thank you, thank you, thank you" James yelled as he ran to hug his mother

" Now go get ready, the ball should start around 7 " the old woman said and  her son ran to his room to get ready while her other son was waking muttering " Why do i always get dragged to these things" .


" Hello, Ms. Black " Lexi greeted the vile woman with a fake smile on her face. Walburga Black, a mother of two and a very cruel woman. She abused her son so much to the point where he couldn't take it anymore and ran away.

" Oh Lexi, how wonderful it's to see you again" Ms. Black replied . " My father is in the drawing room " Lexi told Orion Black when she saw him looking around " and my mother is over there" she said to Walburga pointing at the table where her mother was speaking with another woman

She looked around for Regulus, but he was nowhere to be seen. " If you don't mind me asking, where is Regulus? '' the girl asked " He was feeling a little ill and couldn't make it. " The older woman said and something in Lexi didn't feel right. What happened to Regulus? Did they do something to him?  I'm gonna kill that woman if..

" Is this the Peterson Manor? '' a voice brought Lexi away from her thought. When she turned around and saw the person who was taking her jaw practically dropped to the ground. Before her stood James freaking Potter, dressed in a suit, that made him look extremely attractive.

" James, what are you doing here? " she asked and looked around to see if anybody else saw him " Do you have a death wish?"

The boy chuckled before answering " Love, you don't sound too happy to see me" he said and opened his arms for a hug. Lexi smiled and hugged the boy. After they pulled away she saw a woman, a man and a grumpy Sirius coming their way.

" Oh you must be Lexi! James said you were beautiful but i didn't know he meant this beautiful " she said and both James and Lexi blushed like mad. Sirius only snickered.

" Nice to meet you, Ms. Potter. '' the girl greeted politely.

" Oh stop it with the formalities , I'm Euphemia but call me Mia, dear. And as to your previous question toward my son, we are still a pure blood family and are invited to these balls. We just didn't want to come before. '' she said smiling at the girl

" But our James here wanted to come and make sure you were alright. And i'm Fleamont, call me Monty " James' father introduced himself to Lexi and she smiled at him. James again blushed .

The two parents walked away and Lexi was surprised when she saw her mother hugging Euphemia, engaging a conversation after they pulled away.

" Do i get a hug like Prongs?  " Sirius asked with open arms and a pout . The girl went and hugged her best friend, while chuckling slightly at his childish behavior. " Well I don't want to see my dear old devil of a mother, so I'm going down to the celery to drink. You know where to find me when this party is over " Sirius said after they pulled away and walked away.  That left only James and Lexi. Lexi looked over at James only to find him already staring at her. James couldn't tear his gaze away from her. After he saw her in the dress it was like some force wasn't allowing him to look away.

" Eyes are up here, Potter" Lexi laughed when he blushed ( again)  and started stammering " I-Uhm- you- i- wasn't- um- you look gorgeous, Lex" he said and it was her turn to blush.

" You look good too, James" she smiled at him. " Wanna dance? " he asked, offering his hand to the girl. She gladly took it and the two of them went to where the other people were dancing.  Lexi was relaxed because not many people she knew from Hogwarts were here.


The two friends danced with each other the whole night until it was time for James to go home. While dancing Lexi had a permanent smile on her face and was laughing a lot especially when James said something funny. And James. Well he was on cloud 9. He was sure he had feelings for the girl. The butterflies in his stomach, or how he was nervous around her and the constant blushing when she would tease him about talking to his parents about her, were the things that made him sure of his feelings. He also wanted to never let go of her. James Potter wanted Lexi Peterson to stay in his arms forever.

They talked about everything and nothing. The two of them learned a lot of things about the other. Like how Lexi always took her tea wit two cubes of sugar and a slice of lemon, or how James knew every story in The Tales of Beedle and Bard, because he was a little insomniac when he was a  kid and his mother read him the stories until he fell asleep.

When Euphemia came to get James the two pulled away from each other. James bit her good night and invited her over for Christmas day. She was hesitant  but Mia told her she talked with her mother and she could come overnight and on boxing day she could go back. Lexi smiled and nodded her head excitedly. She could spend Christmas being herself because she knew they wouldn't judge her.

She was watching as Sirius stumbled to hold on Fleamont, seeing as he was a little too tipsy and the two of them apparated. James kissed Lexi's  cheek, causing her to blush massively, and went to his mother to apparate. Mia smiled at Lexi and apparated with her son.

Lexi went and walked around for  a little bit before she excused herself and went to her room. After she showered and put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt she had stolen from Sirius, she went to bed with a smile on her face, replaying the events from the night. Lexi fell asleep with a smile on her face, feeling more happy than she had any other Christmas before.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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