chapter 11

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Lexi was eating her breakfast peacefully, while talking to regulus and the only other person in Slytherin the dark haired girl was actually friends with and enjoyed her company - Narcissa Black ( soon to be Malfoy). Narcissa and Lexi became friends after Narcissa and her boyfriend- Lucius Malfoy, had an argument. Narcissa was crying in the girls bathroom and Lexi comforted her. Narcissa and Lucius were a year older than Lexi.

Narcissa and Lucius were a couple since their fifth year and during the summer of their sixth year they learned they were to be betrothed. At first Cissy was mad and sad because she thought Lucius didn't really love her and was with her just because of the arranged marriage. But he was able to convince her that he loved her for her and it had nothing to do with their families.

" And we're thinking of getting married after we graduate. So it will be a summer wedding. maybe like June or July. Also Lexi we haven't sent out the official invitations but you are invited and you can bring a date if you want" Cissy was talking with such an excitement about her wedding that she didn't notice the owls swooping by and dropping the mail.

Lexi got her copy of the Daily Profit and wished she wasn't subscribed. Another murder. Again a muggle-born. Her blood went cold. You see, there's this guy that calls himself Voldemort and he has been killing muggles and muggle-borns to purify the wizarding world. Which to almost everyone was absolutely horrifying and disgusting, but of course there were people that agreed with him and his ways.

Lexi was close friends with Lily and she was a muggle-born. A lot of people she knew or had helped with homework were muggle-borns. And the thought of someone wanting to kill other human beings just because of their blood status made her extremely disgusted.

" Lex? Lex! Hey Lexi, you okay? " Regulus snapped her out of her thoughts.

" Sorry what. I spaced out" she looked at him

" I asked you if you were okay. You got quite pale while reading the newspaper. " He questioned her with a concerned look

" It's just, all these attacks make me sick. How can anyone do that to others" she said looking down at her plate and started playing with her scrambled eggs.

" It will get better soon. Don't worry " Cissy reassured her with a mile. But how wrong they were.


Lexi wore a frown through all of her morning classes. Nobody knew what was going on with her but no one cared enough to ask her. That is until she had luck with the Marauders.

James saw her frown immediately and at first tried to cheer her up and when it didn't work he had asked her what was going on, but she just shrugged. He didn't leave the matter alone and the rest of the Marauders joined in his concern.

" Come on, Lex. Talk to us. Please" James told her with the biggest puppy dog eyes in the world and Lexi finally gave in

" Fine! It's because of Voldemort. I mean what he does is absolutely disgusting and I'm terrified of what's gonna happen" she explained and they all understood why she was like that, or at least James and Sirius understood. They knew that her parents would side with him if it came to that and that she would have no choice but to join them.

" Hey, don't worry about it. It will be over soon" James said putting his arm over her shoulder. She leaned on his shoulder and sighed " I hope your right" and he kissed the top of her head. Sirius missed that little act of affection because Remus had caught his attention with something. Sure, Sirius loved both of them but he didn't want James to use Lexi as a rebound or to make Lily Evans jealous.

" Why are we all sulking? Today's the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match ! " Peter exclaimed

" OH MY GOD! You're right, Peter. '' James yelled suddenly. James was the seeker for the Gryffindor team and of course he was bloody obsessed with Quidditch.

" You'll be cheering for me, love? '' the curly-haired boy asked Lexi and she nodded in response

They all went to the quidditch pitch together. James parted his way with his friends to go to the changing rooms, but not before he wrapped his scarf around Lexi and kissed her on the cheek. Lily looked at the girl smirking and just looked at her mouthing " What?" but she just smiled and shrugged.

They went to the Gryffindor stands and  found Marlene, Alice and Ava already there.

" Hi" she greeted them

" hey, Lex" Ava replied

The group of friends didn't wait long before the quidditch comentor's voice was heard. " Hello, Hogwarts students! It's my pleasure today to be commenting on the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match. Without further ado let's start this thing" he yelled " Here comes the Hufflepuff team.." he introduced the players as they flew in the sky " And let's hear it for the Lions" and the Gryffindor stands roared " Captain of the team - Rogar Wood- chaser, the one and only seeker James Potter... " he spoke and James rode his broom in the sky sending a quick wink at Lexi who blushed. And thanks to her she could use the cold weather as an excuse.

The captains shook their hands and professor hooch told them she wanted a clean game from both teams. The seeker was out and soon the game began. If Lexi was being honest, she didn't like quidditch that much or more accurately she didn't understand it. Yeah, she was excited but she always forgot the rules and was a little scared from the big height.

" The Quaffle is in the position of Johnson, he flies and will he score ? YESS! 10 points to Gryffindor. " Derek Johnson threw his fist in the air and flew to the quaffle and scored another 3 goals

" Another 10 points to the Lions! Gryffindor is leading the match 60- 20. Go lions!"

" Mr. Jordan. No biased opinions! '' McGonagall yelled at the commentator. Lexi saw James ducking down at something and the Hufflepuff seeker hot on his trail.

" Gryffindor seeker James Potter seems to have caught sight of the golden snitch, but he's only inches away from the Hufflepuff seeker, Oliver Philips" James' hand was outstretched and he was mehr millimeters from catching the snitch. He leaped forward and caught the snitch.

" JAMES POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE GOLDEN SNITCH ! GRYFFINODR WINS THE MATCH! " Stefan Jordan yelled, as James and the rest of the team flew down. The Gryffindor stands erupted i cheers and Lexi and her friends went down to the pitch to congratulate James. He grinned when he saw Lexi and wrapped his hand around her waist, lifting her from the ground and spinning her around.

" Congratulations, James'' she said laughing as he put her down to the ground. He smiled at her and thanked her

" This calls for a small party don't you think, Prongs? " Sirius asked with a smile on his face

" Hell, yes. Lexi, you and Ava are gonna come, right? It will be just us and the girls'' He asked hopefully.

" Sure" she said and his grin became even bigger.

That night the girls and the Marauders were in the boys' dorm, having fun and not caring about anything else but themselves. They played games, drank a lot of fireweaskey and even smoked a little bit of some muggle herbs. The group of friends were ecstatic and all of them fell asleep with smiles on their faces. 


I know. It's  a small chapter and not and interesting one but i have a writers block, but I'm trying to overcome it. What do you think of the Quidditch game. It's my first time writing something like that. And as always

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