chapter 7

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October was close to end. Only a couple of days left . In which, unfortunately, in Tuesday was a full moon. The Marauders were sad because their friend would have to transform into a werewolf. But it helped them that they knew that Lexi's potions were going to ease him the pain. They still hadn't decided if they should tell Lexi that they were Animagi. 

" Guys, we should tell her before she finds out. She found out about Remus' ' furry little problem' on her own. Who know maybe she already does know about us. " James said to his friends. The Marauders were talking in their dorm. The full moon was in tomorrow and Remus looked quite ill . 

" I know. I've known her my entire life , well not that much the past couple of years  but that's beside the point, I don't think we should tell her yet. She may know about Remus and I have no doubt that she would be okay with us but t would leave her in shock. Imagine finding out your friends are with a werewolf every month. " said Sirius

" I don't know. Let's not talk about it now, okay. I just want to go to sleep and hopefully I will sleep for most of tomorrow's day " Remus said and closed the curtains on his bed. 

" Moony's right. We should go to sleep do we have energy for tomorrow. " Peter said

" Fine. But we are talking about this again after tomorrow. "  James said and turned off the lights in the room


Lexi woke up quite early. She knew it was the day of the full moon and she wanted to see how Remus was before class started. She did her routine, grabbed the potions and went out of her dormitory. 

She walked through the empty corridors, said hi to the passing ghosts, and finally she got to the portrait of the fat lady. 

" Hello" she said

" Hello there deer. Your a Slytherin right. Are you lost? " the fat lady asked

" No ma'm. My friends are Gryffindors. We have a project to work on and they told me to come here in the morning " she said politly

" Oh well, okay then . Password? " 

" Buttercup " Lexi answered and the portrait swung open. There weren't a lot of people in the common room that morning, but a certain curly haired little boy was awake on the couch

" Lexi ! " Thomas yelled as he jumped from the couch he was previously sitting on and pulled Lexi in a big hug 

" Hi, Thomas. How are you. I feel like we haven't had a proper talk in a while . " she said as they pulled away

" I've been good. A lot of studying but I made a lot of friends in all of the houses. Not that I don't like your company but why are you here ? " he asked

" I'm glad that you made friends and I'm here to see the guys. " she said and the boy nodded 

" Well I hope you know your way to their dormitory but if you need help I'm here" Thomas said smiling at the girl

" Thank you, but i'll be fine. Go talk to you friends now" 

" Okay. Bye Lex! " he said running back to his friends. Lexi climbed the stairs to the boys dormitory and was standing before the door when she nocked. Lexi heard someone yell to come in and so she did 

" Oh, Lexi. It's you " Sirius said and laid back on his bed

" Well, you sound happy to see me. " she said as she went to Remus's bed " Hi, Remmy. How are you feeling. " 

" I've been better. Why are you here " 

" Well I brought you the potions for today, but if you don't want them, I'm sure I will found another werewolf around here somewhere. " Lexi joked and Remus genualy smiled at the girl

Stars- James PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora