Chapter 9

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"Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard" . Coldplay best music I listened to it every day. It has a meaning. Life isn't easy in my case it's hell. Sometimes I wonder why I have to go through all this pain. Just keep going god has a reason for everything.

One month later

May: hi Claire. Hi. May: ready to go on a mission again. Skye: I'm always ready.

It was a month later I fully recovered from my injuries and trained a lot. But of course something bad happened to. I made my trust in agent ward go away. He took me to the training room for some combat training. After 5 minutes I started to get tired and asked for a break. But he said that on a mission you couldn't have a break either. Well he wasn't wrong. He eventually started touching me. I knew where it was going so I immediately pushed him away. I was lucky Coulson walked in.

Skye: let's go find that damn clairvoyant. Let's go. I said smiling.
When we walked into one of the rooms we saw someone sitting in a wheelchair. It was obvious that he couldn't move but it was also weird this couldn't be him right.
Bang!! Ward shot him.
Coulson: what the hell ward. Ward: he's the clairvoyant it's obvious. Skye: how is that possible he can't even move. Yeah Skye is right. She was tho how was that even possible.

Writers note:
Hey guys thank you for reading this story this is a short chapter and the story is maybe going a bit fast but I hope you still like it.

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