the end :)

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hello dear readers! i've decided to end this one-shot series for a few reasons.

the first being i didn't want to story to be too long, as i plan on writing other one-shot series and want to keep them all about the same length.

the second being, well, i guess i just don't feel the same way about haikyu!! as i did when i first began writing this. don't get me wrong- the anime and story line are great. it might just be me, but i find it hard to enjoy things the more popular they get. haikyu!! has gained a lot of popularity in recent months, especially after season four was released. and that is great! i'm glad the anime is getting the attention it deserves, but when an anime becomes popular, the fandom grows as well. i don't particularly have a problem with the fandom, though each fandom certainly has its dark side. 

i don't really know what i'm trying to say, other than it's really hard for me to enjoy something when everyone else loves it. i guess part of that is because when an anime isn't super popular and the fandom is small, i can just enjoy it in peace and sort of feel like i have something that is my own. totally selfish- i know. 

overall i just don't enjoy haikyu!! as much as i used to. i'm not going to keep writing one-shots for it because coming up with story lines isn't easy, and i don't want to stress trying to write fanfiction for a show i no longer enjoy. i kept updating as my goal was to update around fifty chapters. i've also grown a lot as a writer. looking back at some of my early chapters... is hard for me to do. i'm still finding a writing style that works for me, and i want to continue writing! just not for haikyu!!. 

haikyu!! was certainly not my first anime, and i would like to write some fanfiction for other animes i've seen and still enjoy. hopefully you all can understand.

with that all being said and off my chest- i'd like to say thank you.

seriously- THANK YOU! i genuinely appreciate every read, vote, comment, and request. i know i had long periods of time where i didn't update, and part of that was because i didn't want to update half-assed chapters for my lovely readers. i really appreciate it all. i can now finally click 'complete' on this story. 

i thank you all, and hope i can have your continued support on the other one-shot series i hope to soon release. i'll see how that goes, as all of that is up in the air at the moment.

this was longer than i had planned, sorry for 'talking' so much. if you read all the way through this, thank you. you are a ray of sunshine. 

                                                            love from yours truly, bunnychiha <3

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