yuu nishinoya- reliable

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this chapter was hard for me to write. i kept changing the plot halfway through... hope it's not too bad

being friends with nishinoya had many perks. he was always ready to help, and always stood up for me. he'd come to the rescue just when he was needed, and was one of the most reliable people i knew. it seems his position of libero and always saving the team applied outside of volleyball as well.


"hey pretty girl,"

"oh don't walk away, we just want to talk,"

i continued walking with my head down. i was almost to school. in a few minutes i'd be able to get away.

"hey! who do you think you are, talking to y/n like that!" i recognized that voice. it was my favorite libero.

"and who are you pipsqueak?" one of the guys that had been following me asked.

"pipsqueak? i could fold you over in a second buddy. i'm y/n's best friend so piss off!" nishinoya had now caught up to me. i stood behind him with my eyes on the ground.

the guys both scoffed before walking away.

"thanks nishinoya. you really do have great timing!"

"anything for you y/n!! and it's my special sixth sense, let's me know when you're in trouble," he teased with a playful wink. i turned my head away so he didn't see my rising blush.

"wanna get some food after school?"

"nishinoya, should that even be a question?"


"wow y/n, you look like a mess! did you sleep at all last night?" nishinoya was speaking too loudly for this time in the morning.

"barley. i stayed up getting my assignments done," i grumbled with a yawn.

nishinoya stopped in his tracks.

"why'd you stop? c'mon we are going to be late for school, get walking." i was not in the mood to be late to school after staying up all night.

"you go on ahead without me, i'll catch up!" i nodded and waved to him before continuing my walk to school.

"nishinoya, you're late!" our teacher exclaimed. nishinoya had walked into class ten minutes late, holding a white bag with the local convenience store's print on it.

"sorry, there was something important i had to get!" he walked towards me, and handed me the white bag. i thanked him, before opening the bag as he went to his seat. inside was my favorite drink, a pudding bread, and two bags of mine and nishinoya's favorite chips.

i immediately looked over at him, to which he replied with a smile and thumbs up. i mouthed a thank you with a small smile. it looked like his cheeks had tinted pink, but our seats weren't close enough for me to tell. anyways, i was feeling extremely grateful for the food he'd brought, even though it made him tardy.


"damn it! it's raining and i didn't bring a jacket," i groaned as nishinoya and i left the classroom. just as school ended the rain began to pour, and i of course was clad in only my school uniform.

"y/n they'd been talking about rain coming for the past few days," nishinoya laughed.

"but here, just wear mine!" he shrugged off his jacket, handing it over.

"a-are you sure? won't you be cold?"

"just put it on!" i sighed and took his jacket, putting it on. i began to warm up moments after, and smiled softly. nishinoya and i continued our walk home in silence for a while, holding our school bags over our heads to try and keep dry.

"you know nishinoya, you're always there for me. how can i pay you back? you've saved me more times than i can count,"

he laughed, "y/n you don't owe me a thing! it's my job as your best friend, don't worry about it,"

"well, what about my job as your best friend? what do i do for you?"

he stopped walking. we stood facing each other, the rain pouring over us.

"you do more for me than you could ever know y/n. just stay yourself, that's all i need!" he smiled his bright smile, and i felt my heart speed up. how could someone be so radiant?

"thank you nishinoya." i said with a smile of my own.

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