rintaro suna- saved

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"ihora, i really dont want to be here.." i stood closer to my best friend, twiddling my fingers. ihora had dragged me to a party being thrown by one of the school's heart-throbs, claiming i needed to 'get out more'. i hardly new the names to any of the faces i recognized and felt as if i was beginning to annoy ihora by staying so close to her side. 

ihora, the life of the party, a social and glittering butterfly. we had been friends for as long as i could remember, me being the awkward introvert adopted by the loved-by-all extrovert. i felt childish staying so close to ihora, and it had almost been two hours. people approached ihora, laughed and talked with her, then left to the next person.

"hey ihora? i think i'm going to step outside." i decided if i wanted ihora to enjoy the party to her fullest extent, then it would probably be best if i didn't stand so close to her. and it was a good excuse to go outside and be alone.

"oh! ok y/n, just make sure you don't run off to anywhere without me," she teased with a wink. i found the door to the back yard and stepped outside taking a deep breath in. thankfully there only seemed to be a few others outside along with a group of a few boys. most of them appeared to be drunk, bored, or both. 

the backyard was gorgeous, with a large pool, patio area, and what looked like a small garden. walking towards the garden i find a fence no taller than my waist surrounding the area of flowers. there were roses along the small fence, not yet in full bloom. along the farthest fence there were potted bougainvillea's, climbing and stretching up the wooden poles planted beside them. i took a seat on one of the benches that were next to potted paperwhites, and leant down to examine the delicate flowers.

"hey you're a pretty girl! whaddya doing here alone huh?" i heard a voice i did not recognize and turned my head startled.

"i'm not alone. i came with my friend," i wished my voice didn't come out as scared as it did. 

"well! i don't see anyone around here, which means you are alone! lemme sit by you pretty girl, scoot over!" the boy came closer to me, shoving my slightly in attempt to make space for himself beside me on the bench. i smelt the alcohol on his heavy breaths and cringed. 

"i-i actually have to use the restroom, so i'm going to go.."

"WHAT! PRETTY GIRL COME ON? I JUST SAT AND YOU WANT TO LEAVE?" his shouting made me jump, and a few of the others outside turned their heads in our direction.

"s-sorry," i stood up and looked down. as soon as i did, the drunk boy stood and grabbed my wrist. 

"NO! SIT PRETTY GIRL!" he grip on my wrist tightened as i tried to pull away and i began to panic.

"h-hey! let me go, i don't even know you!" the boy grabbed my other wrist tightly, and i knew i was in trouble. 

"let her go man. she obviously doesn't want to be around your drunk ass." another unrecognizable voice was heard from behind me and the drunk boy's eyes widened. i turned to see another boy, one who i remembered to by suna.

"fine. fine, fine i'll go." the drunk boy released my wrists and left without a second glance. 

i stood silently for a few moments, unable to find my voice. suna then spoke up, "hope he didn't give you too much trouble y/n,"

"oh! no uhm it's ok, really, thanks to you. thank you by the way. wait, you know my name?" my words came out obviously nervous.

"yeah i've seen you around with ihora. and no problem. wanna sit?" he gestured towards the bench and i nodded, sitting beside him. we sat in silence for a few minutes, me looking down at my hands and suna looking up at the dark sky. 

"he wasn't wrong. you are pretty." i turn and see suna already gazing at me. i looked away from the intensity of his eyes and mumbled a 'thank you'.

"you don't want to be here do you?" 

"honestly, no. ihora dragged me here. i'm not too good with people, you've probably already noticed." my voice unintentionally faded out at the end. 

"that's okay." his response was simple. 

"can i get your number?"

i blushed. "u-uhm, yeah." i pulled out my phone and we exchanged numbers. i internally sweared at all my stuttering, quiet, lame responses. if he wasn't already bored of this conversation, he definitely was now. 

"SUNAA!" a loud voice interrupted our peaceful silence. suna rolled his eyes before standing up. 

"sorry y/n, atsumu probably needs me to drive his dumbass home. i'll see you around?"

"thanks again for saving me from that.. guy. i'll see you around." i smiled softly at suna, and he returned the gesture. the guy suna called atsumu yelled for him again, and with that suna walked off.

later that night i received a text from suna, and we stayed up talking. we eventually began to hang out more, and soon developed feelings for each other. 

"that was such a long time ago suna!" i laughed as i playfully smacked my fiancé's shoulder. suna and i were now engaged, and thanks to him i had grown to be more outgoing and sociable.

"that's such a cliché way to meet, you sure you didn't make this up?"  atsumu teased with a laugh.

"atsumu, you were there." suna's comment caused small laughter to erupt at our table.  

i leaned my head onto suna's shoulder with a smile, feeling grateful that we were able to share stories like this with his friends. 

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