eita semi-skating

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only yesterday, semi had invited me to visit the local ice skating rink with him, tendou, and ushijima. i of course accepted, not only because i had nothing else to do, but also because i had a huge crush on the setter.

this morning before class semi reminded me what time to be ready, as he was going to pick me up, and i couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks. semi had an intimidating presence, as did most of the shiritorizawa students, so i couldn't help but feel a little special because i was able to see the caring side of the stoic third year.

tendou knew of my crush, as he was easily able to guess from my behavior and stolen glances at the setter and had confronted me about it. since then, his teasing has been relentless. after seeing semi leave to his seat, tendou thought it would be funny to tease me about my oh so obvious crush.

             -time skip to ice rink-

semi stood beside me, leaning his head down slightly to ask, "y/n you aren't cold are you?"

"i-i'm warm! thank you for asking," i felt my cheeks begin to heat up once my eyes met his, so i quickly averted my gaze. i did manage to catch tendou smiling cheekily in our direction.

we reach the front of the line and everyone receives their ice skates. while we are all sitting and lacing our skates, i decide i should probably let the others know that i'm a clumsy ice skater.

"hey semi?" i finish lacing up one of my skates and begin to tie the other. he nods at me to show he's listening.

"this is probably a bad time to mention it, but i'm not very good at ice skating," i rub the back of my neck sheepishly, and see tendou give me a pointed look.

"don't worry y/n, i'm good at this so i could help you out if you want." ushijima's deep voice chimes in.

"of course you are.." i grumble as i finish lacing both of my skates.

"don't overthink it y/n. i'll be by your side the whole time." semi stands and looks at me. his comment makes me blush, and i look towards the floor.

i stand up as well, as everyone properly has their skates on. i wobble slightly, and semi extends a hand to me.

"here just hold my hand. it'll be easier." i grab semi's warm hand, nodding. he doesn't look towards me so i'm unable to see his face, but lovely tendou sends a wink our way.

"come on wakatoshi! let's try to do flips and jumps!" tendou happily exclaims, grabbing my free hand and ushijima's hand in his. following tendou and semi while holding both of their hands, we make our way towards the ice rink that is fortunately not very crowded. tendou steps onto the ice first, and i am not at all surprised when he immediately takes off with ushijima right behind him.

semi steps onto the ice right after them, and i timidly follow. i grip his hand a bit tighter when i stumble slightly. semi begins to slowly skate, and i do my best to copy his movements. after watching his feet for a few moments, i'm able to steadily skate beside him.

"look at that! you're getting better already." semi tells me with a small smile and squeezes my hand gently. i smile in return.

after we had gone around the rink a few times we had gradually picked up our pace. semi did keep a firm hold on my hand the whole time, even though at this point i didn't necessarily need the physical support. we talked and laughed, especially after seeing tendou and ushijima fail to perform a quadruple lutz.

"ushijima really is good at everything isnt he?" i looked up at semi.

he didn't get to respond, as tendou had called his name. "semi semi! come try this!" tendou waved his phone in his, wanting to show semi a video of a probably dangerous ice skating stunt.

Haikyu!! One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ