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Suspicion. The worst thing you could ever do to your loved ones, it simply means of the fading trust.


"Love, are you ok? You're sweating. Did you have 'that' nightmare again?"

I got up and immediately wipe the tears off my cheeks. I looked at Jungkook and hugged him quickly.

"It's just... It just keeps showing up in my dreams. I-Its something that I can't get off of my head! It scares me."

Followed by loud cries, Jungkook wrapped his arms around me and pat my back. It helps me calm down.
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"Shhh~ It's alright, maybe the next day it'll be gone. Let's just go back to sleep, stop crying now."

He loosen his embrace and went to kiss my forehead. I closed my eyes and leaned more to his body, hoping I'll fall asleep.

'I felt warm in his hugs.'

Next day.

Jungkook's POV

I cooked breakfast for me and Y/N. I prepared bacon and eggs, after that I head to our shared bedroom.

'She's still in the shower?'

As I was fixing the bed, I heard a ringtone, it's Y/N's phone. I read the caller's ID, 'Jimin'.

"Jimin hyung? It's been a while since he had a conversation with me. I should greet him!"

Without thinking twice I answered the phone.

"Hello? Jimin hyung?"

I heard a gasp from the other line. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Is it that long time since we talked for him to get so shocked?

"What's wrong?"

I was about to ask him further questions but he suddenly hang up which is completely strange.

"What's wrong with him?"

Jimin's POV

I planned to meet with Y/N and to visit someone. I decided to call her when I was fixing my tie in front of the mirror, the phone was ringing for 3 minutes straight and yet she still not answering until the ringtone stopped.

"Hello? Jimin hyung?"

My gaze quickly turned to the phone, I heard the familiar voice of someone I've been longing for. A gasp of realization left my mouth. No, it can't be.

I lean on the phone into my ears to hear it.

"What's wrong?"

Not thinking twice, I quickly hang it up. That is so creepy.

'What was that?'

No way. It can't be him! Maybe Y/N living with someone else? But why is he sounds exactly like him?

I came of with so many theories inside my head, there's only way to find it out. I prepared myself to go off to work.


I finished having a shower and was drying my hair as Jungkook shouted on the other side of the room.

"Love! Jimin hyung called!"

I turned off the hair dryer. I stopped for a second before asking him a question.

"What... What did he say?"

Jungkook pouted and said 'Nothing.'

"He just gasp and then hung up, he didn't say anything. What's wrong with your brother? He's weird."

He continued and chuckled as I sighed in relief. He continue to fix the bed as he was humming to our favorite song. That's sweet. I smiled. He's still the same.

"I'm so glad that I have you."

I looked at him as a tear slid down my cheeks, his gaze laid on my eyes. A chuckle left his mouth.

"I know it, but you don't need to cry like this, makes you look like that you are in pain. And I'm worried by your actions these days, you're so weird. If you're going to continue and cry like this, I might break the rules and get out of this house and--"

"No. You're not going to."

I cut him off and made sure my voice sounds strict and dominant. Jungkook quickly look at me. He confusedly laugh.

"What do you mean by NO? I'm fully healed now, maybe I can now go outside."

"Jungkook, if it's a NO then it's a NO. I'm going to be late."

I cleared my voice and wipe off the tears off my cheeks. I turned my back to him and grab my purse then went off the house, I can hear Jungkook calling my name. I ignore it and call a cab.

Jungkook's POV

Y/N walked out of the house, without looking back at me. I followed her through the front door. I remember her food.

"Oh wait. Hey! Y/N, you forgot your brunch!"

She just ignored me and continued to walk away.

"Why is she always acting like this? She doesn't even allow me to get out of this house! And I miss my office."

I sighed deeply.

"I hope everything's alright in my company."

Well, I have nothing to do so I decided to just clean the house. Working wife, house husband. Great.


I arrived at Jimin's house, I knocked on his door and waited him to open up.

"Oh you're already here, I'm planning to pick you up but I guess not."

He chuckled. He let me into have breakfast with him, it's been our routine for awhile to act like we still live with each other since problems happened.

As we were eating he look at me with a curious expression.

"Uhh, Y/N, are you living with someone?"

I look at him blankly. I raised my right eyebrow as a reply.

"I was just wondering you know, maybe you already moved on and found someone else--"

I soundly drop the fork and stared at him as the anger rises and eyes darkened.

"I don't want to talk about that."

I walked out from the dining room. But the words he spoke made me stop my actions and immediately turned to him.

"I heard him answered the phone, earlier."


He ran towards me with fear like someone's chasing him from behind.

"I heard his voice! In your phone! And it feels like he's--"

My heart start to race and was getting nervous.

"That's impossible, Jimin!"

I immediately cut him off.

"But, I swear Y/N--"

I closed my eyes in frustration and reopen them.

"You're speaking‎ nonsense, Jimin. Stop it."

I bit my lips, controlling the droplets in my eyes slid down again. I pursed my lips and took a deep breath before letting out a statement.

"I want to forget about it, and that voice will never be his, maybe it's an apparition or you're imagining things let's just go, we're going to be late."


We walked down the halls, Jimin stayed quiet, maybe he's still processing what he heard on the phone. I just wanted him to forget it.

I faced the door of my Lab and turn around.

"Hey, I'll get going now. See ya."

I watched him walking further. I face the door once again, staring at it.

"Are you ready Y/N?"

I asked myself and sighed. I held the doorknob, twisting it. I entered my lab and scanned the room.

'It's still the same.'

I forcedly smiled at myself, remembering the past, my vision came blurry as the tears already threatening to fall.

'But the incident makes it different.'

My knees started to weaken. Heavy breaths make me tear up more. I chuckled painfully.

'Once painfully memory marks on your mind, it can't get off. It'll stay like a tattoo.'

I'm trying to control my sobs. getting blurry more. I'm going to pass out anytime. Everything went black.


"Oh! Do you have any clues why it exploded?"

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Some things from the past are meant to stay with us, we cannot let go of it because our heart still look for a feeling it once caused. It brings us sorrows, joy, or anger, the worst thing if it brings you a nostalgic feeling-- could be a factor of not letting go.

So, if you cannot let go of it then you might want to keep it.

Mad Scientist | JJK FF ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora