Part 1

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The Commuter


I'm moving as fast as I can on this cold Friday morning. It was rush hour and the 7:50 B train would arrive in 4 minutes. I was at least 5 minutes out. "Shit!" I cuss as I weave though person after person. Darting through dangerous thick early morning rush hour traffic as angry drivers beep their horns and hurl insults.

I don't give one fuck! I only know, I couldn't miss this train. I rudely bump into pedestrians. I'm oblivious to my aggressiveness, which is not my nature. I didn't care, there was too much at stake today, Friday.

I'm incredibly razor sharp and focused, thereby undiscerning of others or anything in my path. Nothing else mattered, only the 7:50 B train. "How the fuck did I forget to set my alarm. My heart pounds as if it will explode at any second. My chest aches and my throat is dry and burning. My leg muscles are inflamed as the train station comes into view. Yet I push forward, digging deep beyond my physical reserves. I've been running at high speed for several minutes. I'm not out of shape, but I'm not a sprinter either. I propel myself forward like an Olympian in sight of a Gleaming finish line on what can only be adrenaline as race into the station hot, sweaty and wheezing. I gasp for breath like a drowning man. Suddenly, I come to a halt at the steel bar which restricts my entry. Impatiently I wait for the gate to rise as my electronic ticket is being scanned. I hear the 7:50 B train pulling into the station and a sudden and overwhelming sensation of dread overtakes me. My hands shake as I get ready to leap over the steel barrier hindering me. I will gladly commit this crime, rather than miss what awaits me on the 7:50 B train. It wouldn't be the crime of the century or land my face and name on the tenth most wanted criminal list. The Metal restrain rises  just as I lower my positioning to jump. Fuck, there are so many people. I clench and unclench my fist pushing through the crowd with a hurried and wild look.

As I see the 7:50 B unloading and loading its passengers at the bottom of the escalator, I repeat the same thing over and over, 'No, no, no this isn't happening'. Finally, I move down the escalator bumping into commuters while being barraged with profane and angry insults, for good reason of course. I disregard them as my attention is on the 7:50 B's doors. I reach the platform shaking as I struggle to get enough oxygen into my lungs. I'm so wet with sweat I appear feverous. Just as the doors closes I slide through with precision falling into the compartment and immediately grabbing onto an iron rail to steady myself. My heart pounds as if it will burst through my shirt at any moment. I close my eyes tightly and pull in deep breaths in attempt to settle down. My breathing is not yet controlled. It's rapid and shaky as my body tremors. After a minute I start to regain some control over my respiration. I take out my hakichift and wipe the sweat from my brow and the back of my neck with fluttering hands. A slow smile moves across my face as relief inhabits me as my  calmness is being restored. I feel my muscles relax as my breathing normalizes. Slowly I move forward with high anticipation. My former panic gives way to lightness in my chest. My pulse quickens as I advances into the over-packed car of commuters.

The 7:50 B train is in its normal state of bursting seams this Friday morning, full to capacity with little standing room only. I lifts my gaze and scans for him. Oh God there he is. He's so fucking gorgeous. And just with that quick glance, I feel my dick twitch. He's handsomely dressed in a tailored suit and carrying a briefcase, as he is  every Friday. Slowly I maneuvers through the crowd to get a better view. Of course, I'm discrete. On two occasions our eyes met and I immediately looked away. I've been watching this hot man every Friday on my morning work commute.

He first appeared 5 weeks ago, and only on Fridays. Since his appearance, my sexy commuter has starred in my dreams and has fuck me a hundred times and  too many ways to count. Okay, I have an active, and remarkably creative imagination. Well at least when it comes to getting fucked crazy. It's  uh been a while. I want him to fuck me hard and fast, in every imaginable position.  I have come often with these images in my head. But last Friday something happened. As my sexy commuter exited the train he came behind me close enough to where I felt the heat of his hot breath on nape of my neck. I felt the pressure of his hand on my ass. It was brief and real. My body automatically turned and there he was inches away, eye to eye. He licked his lips. Although it was only a few seconds it was direct, aggressive and intentional. He said so much with his eyes and actions. I saw something in his eyes that I recognized. Lust. No words were spoken, shit they weren't needed. My body felt it yet my mind tells me I was mistaken. The train is always crowded, it's rush hour. I get bumped and pushed all the time as commuters hustle getting on and off the train. But my body knows it was deliberate. My body responded with a boner which I had to conceal with my newspaper. Today I will be bolder. I'll let him make his move and God I pray he does, and I'll respond. My sexy commuter has an energy, a force that pulls me to him. I've never experienced such a powerful attraction before. I don't understand it, and I don't fucking have to. What I do understand is desire. It's heavy and my skin tingles with it. And mines is strong...for Him. It's heavy and my skin tingles with it. I believe that his is too. Well, at least I'll find out today.

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