Part 13 | Walking

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Ambers POV

Me and Aris split from the others to find some stuff, we walked through a smashed door and Aris turned his flash on and we hit the jackpot.

There was clothes,shoes, water, first aid kits, bags, bow and arrow- WAIT A BOW AND ARROW.

I let go of aris's hand and ran to the bow & arrow
"Hang on, love, stay by me" he said.

"Oh sorry bubs I just really want to take this with us" I said.

"Take what darling?" Aris questioned.

"THIS BAD BOY" I practically shouted showing him the bow & arrow.

"Shhhh baby and no we're not taking that" aris hushed.

"Wait- w-what" I said a bit sadly.

"Awe darling I'm sorry come here" Aris chuckled

I shook my head pouting at him. I crossed my arms and sat next to the bow & arrow on the floor.

"Fine we can bring it, only if I get a kiss" he giggled

"Yessss" I said.

I shot you and ran into his arms jumping knowing he's gonna catch me. I pulled my mask down and kissed him all over his face.

"Wait and here" he pointed at his lips.
I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, he slowly kissed me back. Our moths moving in sync together, I started to feel the butterflies in my stomach once again.

Aris pulled back and quickly gave me a peck on the lips afterwards. "We should start to pack this before others come here" he spoke while brushing his thumb over my cheek. I nodded in response.

I pulled my mask up and picked up a sturdy black backpack. I put a first aid kit in there. A brand new box of pads/tampons Which was full. I stuffed in a thin puffy black coat, some grey joggers I found on the floor.

I picked up the bow & arrow and stuffed in over my shoulder and made sure it wouldn't come off when I run or walk.

I picked up an ankle holster and stuffed a small but big ish dagger in it.

I then put a thigh holster on and put two pistols in there.

Lastly I stuck a shotgun and a minigun in my shoulder holster and made sure everything was safe and secure when I ran and I was finished.

"Done" I spoke giggling as I turned to Aris.

"Me too love" he turned around and took a good look at me.

"Wow you have a lot of stuff Amber, can you carry all of that" he asked while laughing at me.

"Yes I can, it's all a secure watch" I said while running up the hallway very very fast and everything was fine.

Suddenly the ligts came on.

Me and Aris looked at each other, he grabbed my hand and ran out of the room we was in towards Newt, Fry, Teresa and Jade.

"HEY" we all heard someone shout

"HEY, RUN RUN" before I could blink we saw Minho and Thomas running screaming at us to run.

We all ran towards the empty hallway through another corridor, we came across these
Non-working escalators.

Thomas ran up first, Aris grabbed my hand and we ran together up the escalators. Soon followed by everyone else.

Me, Aris,Jade and Winston ran around the corner to find these 3 doors, two of them were completely locked and the middle one was open but had a chain on the inside locking it as much as possible. Me and Jade started to kick the door down and Winston and Aris did it with us.

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