Thunder and LIGHTNING very very frightning me

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The thunder rumbled like a stampede of angry chimpanzees without bananas. There was a terrible storm heading towards Death City, and it wasn't long before it was going to hit. Maka was curled up in a blanket reading a book, while Soul was making some chicken kaboodle soup in the kitchen. Lightning struck down on a tree only two apartment buildings away from where Soul and Maka were living.

"Are you sure we're safe from the lightning?" Maka's voice quivered in the eerie silence.

"Yeah, we're fine Maka. Don't worry about stupid stuff like that." Soul responded while still at the stove waiting for his soup.

Maka was one of the strongest meisters at the DWMA, but she had one weakness. Thunderstorms. Nobody knew that she was so scared of them except for Soul. She had never lasted a night in a thunderstorm without curling up in a ball and crying. She could face a Kishin, but not mother nature at it's worst? Surely she could last one night, but no. Every time even a chance of a storm occurring, she gets ready with her "Maka's I'm not going to die today pack". In it is two water bottles, a lighter, some fire wood, a blanket, food, and a tent. Soul thinks it's childish, but Maka is ready for anything. Even a Hurd of angry chimpanzees without bananas.

It started to rain outside, and Maka curled up tighter with her book.

'No, not tonight,' she thought. 'I will not cower like a child.'

Soul came to the table and started eating his soup. He had put in chicken cubes, celery, carrots, and noodles. Maka was amazed he could be eating at a time like this. The lightning could come down on their apartment complex at any minute now, and all he could think about was SOUP? Guys are really dumb sometimes.

###### Twenty minutes later ######

The rain was really coming down hard tonight. The was harder than usual. Most of the time, it was coming down at a fast pace, but this time, it was coming down in sheets and buckets of water.

"Maka are you okay?" Soul asked as he looked at Maka in the corner rocking back and fourth.

"Yup I'm just fine... heh heh EEEEEKKK!!!" She screamed as another bolt of lightning hit the ground and the roar of the thunder loudend.

Soul handed her a cup of his chicken soup. Maka took it from him gratefully. She sipped from the cup as she shivered in the corner. She was very frightened by the storm and could hardly speak. Soul sat next to her for a second and gave her a toothy, reassuring grin.

"It won't last long, hang in there." He said before getting up to go put away the rest of the leftover soup.

Maka sat in silence for a while and sipped the chicken kaboodle soup with her book in hand trying to concentrate on reading when the apartment went dark and all that was visible was the lightning strikes hitting the town.

"Soul? Soul?! Maka shouted.

"Yeah I'm here. It's just a blackout don't worry Maka." Soul responded.

Soul was searching for a flashlight when they heard something outside their apartment.


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