Naga! Yoongi x Human! Reader

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(TW: mentions of abuse and a flashback. I don't know much about it so it may not be realistic, which may be a good thing. Also Yoongi is an absolute softy.)

(I can't stay here anymore.) I thought, pulling the stolen cloak tighter over my form. The sun had gone down the the towns folk had gone to sleep, thus I was sneaking out. No one in the village was supposed to leave the wall, lest they be preyed on by the Naga that lived in a nearby cave. (I'd rather get caught by that Naga than anyone in town.) My 'parents' hated me, and the towns people weren't much better.

In anycase, I stole what little money I could fit into my satchel before sneaking off, squeezing my thin form through the gates. Once I was outside, I took of into the forest. Desperate to get away from the place I was supposed to call home.

(??? P.O.V.)

I watched the little human run away from the saftey of her home and through the forest from my temporary lair, finding it odd that I was the only one she woke.

(There are many dangerous creatures in this forest, none more powerful than me, but. They will not be so kind to this human. Because my brothers and I are the only ones with morals around here.) I thought, watching her come to a stop in front of my cave, panting harshly. I sighed silently, having made my decision.

(Reader P.O.V.)

I stopped by the mouth of a cave, trying, and most likely failing, to silently catch my breath.

"I should be far enough away from there. They'd never dare come this far." I whispered to myself, satisfied.

"Who wouldn't come this far?" A voice laced with sleep asked me with a lisp, a black tail coiling around my waist but under my arms, pressing into the bruises on my back and stomach. I didn't bother struggling, knowing the Naga wouldn't eat me right away as I was barely skin and bones. So instead I answered him.

"My parents, and the townsfolk." I forced myself to keep my voice level as I was lifted of the ground slightly and brought into the Naga's lair. "Don't think they'd bother anyways." The Naga placed me down and let his tail coil loosely around me. I knew his human half had come closer to me, as I felt his warm breath on my neck, and his cold hands carefully lifting the back of my shirt. He let out a low hiss as he saw the bruises. Through, to me, it sounded like running electricity.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at my so called parents. Not bothering to wipe my now soaking hair from my face. Knowing my arms were pressed firmly to my sides due to the metal chains.

"Mother, Father, please don't do this. I didn't even do anything this time." I pleaded, though it seemed to fall of deaf ears. I struggled against the chains before letting my tears fall, forcing myself to be quiet as electricity flowed through me.

"Shshshsh, little one, it's okay, you're safe. But, I need you to breathe." I was brought back to reality the Naga's soft voice, eventually I found myself matching his slow breaths with my own. "There we go, nice and calm. Did I scare you? I didn't mean too, I swear." He whispered, bringing me further into his cave. I looked up and saw what looked to be a nest, made from blankets, pillows, and the like.

He curled up in it and set me in the center before grabbing a stray pillow and lying his human half down on his long tail, smiling warmly at me.

"You're, you're not going to, to eat me?" I stammered out, he looked at me in shock, elbows propping his human half up.

"Why would I eat you? I don't eat Humans. Not women and children anyways." He told me, smiling. "Those old men that keep coming after my treasure however..." He trailed off, looking at a small pile of polished bones. "My treasure isn't even here. It's at the den." I looked at him in confusion as I slid myself further down into the gap his tail created. He smiled softly at me, grabbing 2 stray blankets one for me and one for his human half, it didn't take long for him to smirk down at me. "Since you obviously aren't going back there why don't you come to the den with me? You could meet my brothers and I assure you, you'll be well taken care of."

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