Chapter 1: Mommy and Daddy

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Alyssa's POV

Mommy and Daddy have been gone for 2 years now. Me and Jerry have been with Aunt Bon and Uncle Kol. They act like everything is ok and that Mommy and Daddy being gone is normal. But I heard them talking about mommy one night.

Kol: Bon, how long do you think this will go on for?

Bon: I don't know Kol. She lost a child.

Kol: Yeah, so did Bekah. But Bekah didn't turn her humanity off and go running all over the world.

Bon: It's different for Lena Kol. She blames herself.

Me: Aunt Bon, Uncle Kol, what does it mean?

Bon: What does what mean honey?

Me: To turn your humanity off, what does it mean?

Kol: Well, it means that you couldn't take all of the emotions. So you stop feeling anything all together.

Me: So Mommy doesn't love me and Jerry anymore?

Aunt Bon gave Uncle Kol a dirty look. Then she turned to me and the look turned to sadness.

Bon: Of course she does Lyssa. Your Mommy will always love you and Jerry! She's just hurting because of the loss of Nikky baby.

Me: Will we ever see Nikky and Arie again?

Kol: Of course you will Lyssa. We will never stop searching for your brother and cousin. Now it's getting pretty late little lady. Go to bed.

Me: Yes Uncle Kol.

Kol: Oh and Lyssa?

Me: Yes Uncle Kol?

Kol: We love you kiddo.

Me: Love you guys too. Good night.

Kol: Good night little lady.

I went into Jerry's room to tell him good night and saw him crying.

Me: What's wrong Jerry?

Jerry: I miss Mommy, Daddy, Nikky, and Arie!!! Do you think we'll ever see them again?

Me: Of course we will!

Andy: We will???

Liya: When????

Me: I don't know you guys. But we have to stay strong. Not just for each other but for our family.

Andy: Lyssa, can we sleep with you tonight?

Me: Of course you can Andy.

I grab ahold of Andy and Liya's hands and Liya grabs Jerry's. We all walk down the hall to my room. I tuck Jerry, Andy, and Aliya in and go over and sit down beside them. Eventually I doze off too.

* Dream *

I walk down stairs after playing hide and seek with Jerry, Andy, and Liya. I step in the living room and right there is Mommy, Daddy, Nikky, and Arie!!! I run up and hug them all.

Me: I missed you guys soooo much!!!!!

Nikky: I missed you too Lyssa! It's ok little sis. I will never leave your side again.

Mommy: None of us will!!!

Andy, Jerry, Liya, Uncle Jer, Aunt Bek, Uncle Kol, and Aunt Bon all came running down with Grandma Jen and Grandpa Ric.

Bek and Jer: Oh my god Ariella and Niklaus!!!!! How did you find them?!?!?!

Daddy: Well I was following Lena around New York. When we heard two voices yelling at us. We turned around to see Nikky and Arie running towards us! And not only did they find us but Nikky ran up and hugged Lena and got her humanity back!!!!

I woke up and got out of bed and ran to Nikky's old room. Nobody was in there. Maybe he slept with Arie like he always use to!!! I ran to Arie's room. Nobody. Maybe Nikky slept with Mommy and Daddy!!! I ran in there. Again nobody. I climbed onto their bed and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to Uncle Kol and Aunt Bon hollering my name.

Bon: Lyssa!!!!

Kol: Alyssa Sommer Mikaelson, this isn't funny!!!!

I walk out of the room and head to where I hear their voices.

Me: Yes Uncle Kol and Aunt Bon?

Aunt Bon ran up and hugged me.

Bon: Oh my god. We were so worried about you!!!!

Kol: Alyssa Sommer Mikaelson, where were you?!?!?!

I feel tears in my eyes. Uncle Kol never yells at me.

Me: I'm sorry. I had a dream last night that Mommy, Daddy, Nikky, and Arie were back. So I went around checking their rooms. Then I ended up falling asleep in Mommy and Daddy's room. I didn't mean to worry you Aunt Bon and Uncle Kol. I just miss them so much!!!!

Niklaus's POV

It's been two years since Grandma Miranda, Grandpa Grayson, Grandma Esther, and Grandpa Mikael told me and Arie our Mommy and Daddy's didn't love us. They said that Mommy and Daddy called them to come pick us up. I miss my Mommy and Daddy every day. But I stay strong for Arie.

Arie: Nikky?

Me: Yeah Arie?

Arie: When are we gonna go back home?

Me: This is our home now Arie. You don't like it here?

Arie: Of course I do! We get everything we want. But I miss my Mommy and Daddy. I miss my brother and sister. I miss everybody!!!!

Arie starts crying.

Me: It's ok Arie. Everything will be ok. I will always be here for you!

Arie: Thanks Nikky. Let's go see if Grandma Miranda has any cookies.

We run downstairs.

Me and Arie: Grandma Miranda!!!! Grandma Miranda!!!!

Miranda: Yes my sweet grandchildren?

Me: Do you have any cookies?

Miranda: I'm afraid not. Would you guys like to help me make some?

Me and Arie: Yeah!!!!

Miranda: Well, We'll do that first thing in the morning. It's getting really late Niklaus. Take Ariella up stairs and get to bed before Grandma Esther, Grandpa Grayson, and Grandpa Mikael get home from work.

Me: Ok Grandma Miranda. Let's go Arie.

I went up and tucked Arie into bed.

Arie: Nikky, can you sleep with me?

Me: Of course Arie.

I lay down beside Arie. She cuddles up to me and we slowly fall asleep.

* Dream *

Me and Arie were walking the streets talking. I look across the street to see my Mommy and Daddy!!!! I look over at Arie and she's looking at them too. We start running towards them.

Me: Mommy!!!! Daddy!!!!!

Arie: Aunt Laney!!!! Uncle Eli!!!!

And then I get shook awake by Arie.

Arie: Nikky! Nikky, are you ok?!?!

Me: Yeah, I'm fine Arie. It was just a dream.

She cuddles back up to my side and falls back to sleep. I can't fall asleep I just can't stop thinking about how real that dream felt. It felt like it was really happening. From now on me and Arie are going to go on walks every day.

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