Chapter 3: Family Reunion!

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It was a long plane ride from New York to Virginia. The kids fell asleep soon after we boarded. So me and Lijah were alone. I was watchin Nikky and Arie sleep and didn't notice a tear running down my face.

Lijah: Lena, what's wrong?

Me: It was my fault Lijah. No matter how many times you say it wasn't, it was my fault. If I would have checked with Bekah first then I would have found out she wasn't home. Then Niklaus and Ariella would have been sent to Niklaus's room for lying to me. Yes they would have been mad at me, but they would have been safe!
I wasted 2 years of our children's lives because I couldn't deal with my emotion. I couldn't deal with all of the guilt.

Lijah: Like I've been telling you Lena, it's not your fault. Any of us could have made that mistake. The most important thing right now is that you are back. That Nikky and Arie are back. That our big family is going to be whole again!

Me: I love you so much Lijah. Thank you for not giving up on me!

Lijah: I never would have given up. Without you our family wouldn't be complete. I love you too my sweet Lena!

We landed in Virginia and Nikky and Arie were still asleep. So we carried them off of the plane. When we got off Klaus and Care were right there waiting for us.

Klaus: Nikky!!!

Niklaus woke up in my hands and I put him down so he could run to Klaus. Lijah did the same with Arie and she ran to Care.

Care: Lena!!! I'm so glad you're back. Everything started to fall apart after you left! Klaus couldn't handle being in Mystic Falls no more so we moved to New Orleans. Jer and Bekah couldn't live in the house anymore so they moved in by themselves with the kids. But they weren't the same. Lijah was chasing you. Bon and Kol were the only ones that didn't lose their minds. They stayed strong for the kids. But you're back now. We're back now. They are back now!

Klaus: Ok love, we get it. The family is back together now. Now don't you think they're going to want to get home to see Jer and Lyssa and everyone?

Me: Yeah! Let's get going!!!

We all get into Klaus's car and drive the short distance to Mystic Falls! When we get there we see that Bekah and Jer are already there. We walk in but nobody is awake. Then a little girl walks into the room

Lyssa: Mommy, Daddy, Nikky, Arie! I knew you guys would be back!!!

Lyssa runs up to us and gives us a hug.

Lyssa: I missed you guys so much!

Nikky: We missed you too! Its ok little sis. I will never leave your side again.

Me: None of us will!!!

Andy, Jerry, Liya, Jer, Bekah, Kol, and Bon all came running down with Jenna and Ric.

Bekah: Arie? Nikky? How did you find them?!?!?!

Arie: Mommy!!! Daddy!!! I missed you guys so much!!!!

Lijah: I followed Lena to New York. After 2 years of chasing her I finally caught up with her. While I was trying to convince her to turn her humanity back on these two found us!!! And then Nikky ran up and gave Lena a hug and she turned her humanity back on!!!

Klaus: Time to celebrate! Girls, go shopping for clothes for all of us. We're going out tonight as a family!

Bekah: Shopping!!! Lena, Care, Bon, and Jenna,let's get Lyssa, Arie, and Liya ready and go!

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