Penny Halliwell

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the matriarch 

Type:                       Witch 

Title/s:                    High Priestess or Matriarch                                                                                                     

Powers:                 Telekinesis - able to move and affect objects with her mind 

Birthdate:             23 June 1937 (Cancer

Details:                    Primarily known as the grandmother of The Charmed Ones, Penelope "Penny" Halliwell is equally impressive in her own right and irrefutably one of the most powerful witches from the entire Warren line

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Details:                    Primarily known as the grandmother of The Charmed Ones, Penelope "Penny" Halliwell is equally impressive in her own right and irrefutably one of the most powerful witches from the entire Warren line. 

Born through a breach birth in a hotel room in Boston, Penny was the daughter of the mortal musician Gordon Johnson and his witchy wife P. Baxter (full forename is unknown) and together they lived in the Manor, which her parents had also rebuilt after it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1906.

Penny would grow into an assertive, outspoken woman of quick wit and honest candour who did not suffer fools lightly but who also possessed a soft, nurturing heart of gold, a side she usually reserved for her family.

Unlike her granddaughters who were raised in ignorance of magic, Penny was well versed in the ways of witchcraft from a young age by her mother, herself a considerably powerful witch. 

In her college years Penny befriended a mortal girl named Gail Altman and they became best friends, remaining close throughout their lives. 

As adults, Gail even joined Penny's coven which she would host at the Manor every Saturday under the guise of a bridge club 

Penny was a masterful, seasoned witch whose prowess was respected by both Good and Evil. The majority of spells and potions to be found in the BOS were her creation as she possessed a vast and intricate knowledge of the craft.  

She also had remarkable skill in its practice, most notably in spellcasting and potion-brewing. Incidentally, these skills would pass down to her two granddaughters Piper (potions) and Phoebe (spells), becoming their areas of expertise as well.  

Penny could whip up a spell without much effort, unafraid to play with words and experiment in the potency of the consequences, whilst still avoiding any personal gain setbacks

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Penny could whip up a spell without much effort, unafraid to play with words and experiment in the potency of the consequences, whilst still avoiding any personal gain setbacks. 

One of the ways in which Penny would manifest magic for the mundane would be to enchant her personal belongings in oder to bring about a specific outcome that would be of assistance to her. 

The clearest example of this is when Penny sat facing yet another failed marriage, and her disillusionment with the institution itself prompted her to curse her own wedding ring! 

This was intended to act as a deterrence, a reminder of all the things Penny disliked about marriage  in case she was ever tempted to walk down yet another aisle in the future. 

As much as she is known for her magical panache, Penny is also infamous for her strong dislike of men and the prospect of love or marriage too. 

She encourages sisterly and familial love, but sexual, romantic love with a man amounts to less than zero in her book, with Penny referring to men as not unlike a pet dog or as discardable utensils on more than one occasion. 

In all likelihood, Penny was arguably a huge romantic during her early years, considering she was engaged 6 times and although she only married 4 of those potential suitors, her numerous betrothals are indicative of one who repeatedly sought true love.

Details concerning her other husbands have remained sparse. The most important husband and only one of any real relevance was her first; a mortal named Allen Halliwell

Her love for him was probably the truest she'd ever experienced, considering that she even took his last name upon tying the knot, a custom she would regularly discourage her granddaughters from ever doing.   

Together the couple would have their first and only child, a daughter named Patty.

Obviously Penny's sexist attitude is a direct result of heartbreak, although not from Allen's untimely passing, but rather from a steamy entanglement she once had with a demon named Armand, also known as The Necromancer

He would ignite a fire within her that almost threatened the entire family line with its ardour. 

The Necromancer attacked during Patty's wiccaning (a ceremony in which the spirits of the Warren matriarchs are summoned to bless a newborn in the family) in an attempt to feed off the souls of all the Warren matriarchs in attendance. 

Penny was forced to banish the demon, and once again felt the sting of heartbreak, realising their passion was just a ruse to get to the matriarchs. Still, she would fill two pages in the BOS about the supernatural and natural traits  of The Necromancer demon.  

On 24 March 1975, Penny was visited by the future versions of her little granddaughters who warned her daughter Patty against making a pact with a warlock named Nicholas. 

Unfortunately they were too late to stop her and so Penny decided that the only way for the girls to remain safe in the future would be to bind their powers and erase their memories of magic in the present (1975).  

Together she, Patty and the little ones sent the girls back to the future where they found a vanquishing spell for Nicholas that hadn't been there before, a gift from their Grams.

Together she, Patty and the little ones sent the girls back to the future where they found a vanquishing spell for Nicholas that hadn't been there before, a gift from their Grams

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Status:                     Deceased 

Death:                      5 March 1998  

Episode:                  S1E15 "Is There A Woogy In The House?

                                     S1E17  "That 70's Episode"

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