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the pact maker

Type:                     warlock 


                                  i. Thermovariance —                                                                                                                           able increase the temperature of blood to a boiling point, causing intense pain and eventual death. 

                                  ii. Glamouring —                                                                                                                             able to change his appearance at will. He used this ability to appear older over the years. 

Details:                  The warlock named Nicholas had come to suspect that the witch Patty Halliwell was to become the mother of the Charmed Ones. 

Like any warlock, he sought to steal their powers, but instead of trying to take it by conventional means (which would probably be a suicide mission), Nicholas instead plotted to become immune to their powers so that killing them would be infinitely easier. 

— 1975   

After tapping her phone, Nicholas kept an eye on Patty Halliwell for some time, even posing as a policeman. On the morning of 25 March 1975, Nicholas attempted to snatch Patty on the street but was thwarted by Phoebe Halliwell. Nicholas figured she was probably a warlock too, a rival, so he accelerated his plan, luring Patty to his hotel room by pretending to be her ex-husband,  Victor Bennett. 

When Patty arrived Nicholas cleverly handcuffed her hands behind her back so that she couldn't freeze him,  and once she realised she was powerless, Patty began to beg for her life. Nicholas then forced her to bless his ring, which would give him immunity to her daughters' powers. 

However, the Charmed Ones were able to travel back in time and un-bless the ring, which Nicholas was not aware of

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However, the Charmed Ones were able to travel back in time and un-bless the ring, which Nicholas was not aware of. He knew they'd stolen his ring and confronted them at the Manor but after a brief fight with two of them, he most probably reached the attic to find Patty and her young daughters, alone, save for the formidable grandmother, Penny Halliwell. 

Together they must've assured Nicholas that he could have their powers once Phoebe was born.  Secretly,  Grams planned to bind the girls' powers to keep them safe. Nicholas presumably came calling again after Phoebe's birth only to find the powers suspended beyond his reach, and wanting to avoid a confrontation with both Patty and Penny, he retreated. 

— 1999 —   

   Nicholas did not give up easily, and though the powers were bound, he knew that should Penny die, they would be available to him once more.  Taking them would still be easy since he was "immune" to their effects. So starting in the late 70's to early 80's, Nicholas would come by the Manor once year at noon with a bouquet of flowers for Penny Halliwell, claiming they were from a secret admirer. 

He would also drop the vase each time, taking note of the clock chimes. This was a test to be able to deduce as to whether he might've been frozen or not,  i.e. their powers had returned. 

This exact scene played out on his final visit to the Manor, where Piper froze him and caught the vase to spare herself the cleanup, unaware that Nicholas (who'd appeared to have aged over the years in order to not arouse suspicion) was counting t...

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This exact scene played out on his final visit to the Manor, where Piper froze him and caught the vase to spare herself the cleanup, unaware that Nicholas (who'd appeared to have aged over the years in order to not arouse suspicion) was counting the chimes of the grandfather clock. When Piper unfroze him Nicholas revealed his true self and attacked the girls with his power, chasing them up into the attic. 

However before he reached them the girls were able to travel back in time to 1975, un-bless his ring and return to the present,  all in the time it took Nicholas to ascend the stairs. 

He cornered them in the attic only to be met by Prue's telekinesis, which hurled him into a nearby cupboard, smashing it to pieces. Nicholas looked stunned, no doubt utterly confused as to how his ring was no longer immune. 

The girls were relieved that his ring was indeed un-blessed and they quickly concocted the specific spell written by Grams and promptly vanquished Nicholas.  


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Status:                    Vanquished 

Episode:               S1E17  "That 70s Episode"

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