Chapter Three.

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Word Count: 1057 words.


I walked mindlessly along the corridors thinking of my family who's probably worried sick about me. I felt someone tug me harshly from behind and pinned me against the wall with a spear aimed against my chest. I groaned loudly. What's with me and pointy weapons today?

State your name” Hogun asked with a suspicious glare. I felt the hair on my skin rose up. This is Hogun. Part of the Warriors Three. He can decapitate me without even blinking an eye.

“I am Adelaide, Lord Hogun.” he lets me go and I bowed. He suddenly takes it and kisses the back of my palm while on his knees. I just stood there awkwardly as his lips crashed on the back of my palm.

“My sincere apologies, Lady Adelaide. By any chance did anyone tell you who I am or did Heimdall mentioned me?” I remembered how I whispered his name earlier. I tried to form words but my mind went blank. Standing infront of Hogun with him holding a spear, you would also go blank.

“I- who wouldn't know you, M'lord? You and the warriors are very famous in the likes of me." He smiled proudly and we both started walking.

“In the likes of you? What are you like, M'lady?” I shook my head to tge question. I don't want to reveal myself after earning Loki's reaction earlier. I don't know what they'll do if they learned I'm untainted.


Hogun asked more questions and I dodged some stuff that concerns my place. I said white lies to cover up my birthplace and Earth. I was slightly confused when we parted ways when I didn't see anyone familiar, I'm sure some of the people I was with would be roaming the palace.

I'm staring myself in a big mirror seeing how awesome I look in asgardian clothes. Gosh, I only do this when cosplaying. Any minute now I'll be opening the door for my chambermaid so she'll lead me to the dining hall for dinner.

I finished my hair after taking a bath, after that I heard knocks on my door. I plastered a smile on my face expecting Sarah (I learned the chambermaid's name when I was talking with Hogun) but unexpectedly, it was Loki.

He's wearing a green button up shirt and brown pants with a pair of black boots and black coat. He's looking at me with his infamous smirk and my smile immediately fell.

“If I may ask, why are you here? Where's Sarah?” I asked and looked past him for any signs of her but the hallway's empty naking me think that all of us have our own wing.

“There are six of you so Thor thought that it's best if we welcome you personally by picking you up. I was assigned with you while the others are on their way to the hall” He explained and offered his arm. I dismayingly anchored my arm on his and went on our wat silently.

I saw Thor and a woman with dark hair walking in front of us chatting and laughing yet I saw a tinge of caution on her part. The guards opened the door for us and the suddenly the hall went silent. All of them are staring at us as we sat and after a few seconds they came back they went back to their chatters.

The hall was packed but I was familiar with a few. The woman with Thor, Thor himself, Hogun, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, and the other three untainted. Most of the untainted were guys except me and the woman with Thor.

Me and Loki ate silently not minding the occasional glances people give us specially Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three but mostly Hogun.

“We have six new guests. Should we have them introduce themselves for familiarity?” Sif suggested smiling at everybody.

Me and Loki went rigid and looked at each other knowing what might happen but it was too late. The man beside Sif already stood and spoke. My best guess is he's Asian.

“Hi everyone! I'm Richard. I'm from Brooklyn and how I got here? I don't even know” Me and Loki exhaled waiting for everyone's reaction.

“Where's Brooklyn?” one of the people asked.

“It is in the west of Asgard away from civilization, it is a small town that is now abandoned.” I intervened. Loki exhaled and squeezed my hand under the table.

“How come we haven't heard it?” Sif asked and I almost broke Loki's hand. He yelped and all attention went to him.

“Oh, like what she said it is abandoned. Most people feared the place because of wild beast roaming around.” he explained and they seemed to be convinced. We ate fast without even looking at anyone.

“Why'd you save him? I'm sure it will be entertaining for you to see him flustered and confused explaining where the fuck Brooklyn is” I said half-shrieking and half-whispering.

“I'll explain later.” he said calmly and stood while never leaving his gaze on Thor.

“Brother, we must skip the formalities. I still have some important things to discuss. Do tell them to hurry up and meet us in the library.” He dragged me outside and ignored the gaze from everybody.

“Why'd you save him?” I immediately asked. He rolled his eyes and and groaned. What's wrong with this greasy haired bitch now?

“Every 75 years the untainted like yourselves are brought to Asgard. We learned after the fifth offering that the untainted are given special abilities like proficiency in archery, swordsmanship, etcetera so your kind can live among us” I raised my brow not understanding his point.

“That means one dead untainted, one less worker in Asgard.” I slapped him in the back of his head. This asshat only cares of having not enough servants.

“Why you little minx!” He yelled and scooped me up and motioned to throw me ou the balcony not far from us when the doors of the dining hall opened and the others exited and saw us in this awkward position. Thor opened his mouth but Loki already dropped me down. I think I bruised my tailbone.

I immediately bowed my head and heard Sif chuckle. My face turned beet red and hid my face with my hair.

So much for decency.

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