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"I'll close my eyes, then I won't see.
The love you don't feel when you're holding me.
Morning will come and I'll do what's right,
Just give me till then to give up this fight." ー
I can't make you love me

"That same goes for you too then, Min! You too can't have feelings for me! You're wrong too!" Jia yelled as her eyes now became glossy because of all her messed up feelings and the situation.

"So you knew..." Minho trailed off as his wrist slipped out of her hold in a sad manner.

"That's what I thought...A smart girl like you being so dumb to notice those stolen glances and warm gestures...that's absolutely laughable..." Minho chuckled but not joyfully but almost in a broken way.

"Why? You mean so much to me! How could you ruin our bond by such feelings?! Just why?!"

"It's not like I had control over my heart! And you should be the last person on the earth saying this, Jia. You know it very well." Minho spoke as a tear fell down his cheeks while his mind was still full of the sight he saw a few moments ago.

"You're like a brother to me for God's sake!"

"So what do you want me to do with this fact?! It's not like I didn't try to get rid of these absolutely crazy feelings of mine... I did try....a millions of times... But I couldn't help it at the end of the day... I thought I would definitely move on now that you're to marry Kang Dae... But being with you together all these passed days just made the feelings stronger. Somewhere deep in my heart, a ray of hope developed that you will too come to like me the same as I like you... Maybe this whole marriage thing would never happen...God I even thought to hide your existence from the whole world just so I can keep you next to mine away from all the bullsh*t out there." More tears fell down his cheeks as one by one all his deep thoughts came out verbally.

"You know...this is exactly what I was afraid of... Being not able to return your feelings helplessly... Both of us know very well that this is not something that we can control just because one of us wants so... I'm sorry... Mianhae... Jinja Mian-" Before Jia could continue repeating her words of apologies, Minho wrapped her lean figure into his warm embrace as his eyes shut close making more tears leave his eyes.


"Shh" He shushed her like he was trying to convey to her that he needs a moment to collect himself.

After having a inner fight against the selfish part of his heart who was tempting him to just not give a sht about anything else and steal her, he finally pulled away and took a couple of step back from her.

The distance between them was of just few steps now but both of them knew that it's way more wider than that in reality. They could feel being distant from each other. So distant that it was heart breaking.

"I need to go."

That's. It.

These were the only words that he said before leaving. He never even looked back or glanced at her for once. Like he was afraid his selfish self would not let him go if he did.

~Next Day~

Jia was going upstairs with a frown visible on her face as the usually noisy mansion was way too quiet that day.

The memories of yesterday were still fresh in her mind...whether it be Minho's vulnerable state or...that ki-

Absent mindedly, the first place where her feets took her was none other than the room that belonged to Seojoon.

Opening the door ever so lightly, she entered the room and instantly felt herself staring at the figure few steps away from her.

He was staring deeply at the drawing that she saw that time when she was sick and he made her stay in his room.

Yes. That depressing drawing.

She took few steps closer to him making him finally look at her with his deep brown doe eyes with long eyelashes giving a final touch to the beauty of his eyes.

"This... You drew it??" She asked softly not wanting to ruin the calm and cozy moment getting only a nod in response as he continued to stare at the drawing.

"No offense but this looks kinda sad and depressing." She spoke her thoughts aloud.

"I know. This represents my early age... childhood...very well..." He trailed off.

"I see. I'm sorry for my remark... Though, I didn't know you were interested in art. But considering your personality you do seem like a right person who could be interested in these fields." She spoke to herself nodding her head lightly.

"I was interested in Arts... Not anymore."

"Why?!" She asked like she was about to give him a thousand dollar cheque for his depressing and tragic looking masterpiece.

He chuckled at her reaction as he stole a glance at her face without getting noticed, "My mother taught me how to draw. From what I remember, she was an excellent artist and was quite famous too. At that time, I wanted to become just like her... I admired her like a crazy kid... After she left me...colors, pencils, sketchbooks just seemed to bring pain to me... Like someone reminding me of all my loses... reminding me of her... I no longer want to do anything that associates with her."

"The more you're talking about drawing, the more depressing it is getting. I feel the pain but let's not talk about this... I'm allergic to hearing about such people and such things...I can't handle these anymore." Jia said truthfully earning a knowing grin from Seojoon.

"I have a question by the way.. to whom does the room near to the stairs belong? That's the only room I have seen no one use."

"It belongs to my mother. That's the largest room of this mansion. She was very fond of that room and used to spend most of her time in that room painting 24/7."

"Oh. The topic is back to that lady... Seems like she was very interested in Arts... Can't believe such artistic people can also be so greedy." Jia huffed with an expression telling she definitely disliked the woman at this point.

"You look like you'll kill her if she comes in front of you. Don't be so furious. She has already left the world." Seojoon spoke staring at her.

"Correct... I'm at it again. I don't know her side of story so I have no right to pass comments on her... I gotta control my judgemental traits. And I should stop being so harsh with my words. Guess Jesus forgot to give me kindness when he was making me. May your mother's soul test in peace after receiving her karma." She spoke as she gave a playful slap to herself.

"But kindness doesn't suit everyone. Some people are meant to follow tit for tat rule." Seojoon debated with a wink to her not really minding the harsh yet true personality traits of her.

"I'll take that as an compliment then." She giggled before continuing, "Umm..about yesterday..."

He instantly tensed up already aware of what's about to come up. Mentally cursing at himself for totally forgetting that he has to deal with this mess too thanks to his amazingly ill working brain system that allowed him to pull up that stupid stunt yesterday.

{A/n : I'm sorry guys for soooo late update!!!!🙂❤

Actually, there was a typhoon in here this week. So, it rained quite heavily for about 3-4 days continuously here. And due to the sudden change in weather, I got sick and was vomiting every few minutes. I usually get sick when there's a change in weather suddenly. I don't know why! 😑

Though, I hope you liked this chapter!💜

Consider giving it a vote and comment your thoughts about it if you like art!🙃💙}

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