Step 16

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Sam had been pacing around the room for three minutes with his mouth closed before you started throwing things at him. It started with a pillow but when that didn't work you stopped being as gentile.

"Where the fuck is he Sam?"

"We got a tip on Madam Hydra so we all went out to scope it out. Nat was doing surveillance and Buck and I were surrounding the exits. It was just luck of the draw that they stormed out his side. Nat was up high and the moment she saw them move in she radioed me. I flew over but by the time I landed they had gotten into his brain. He started throwing punches and Nat came down to help me but as soon as she got there Hydra had made their escape. They didn't want Bucky they just wanted a diversion."

"So where is he, Sam?" Your voice rose again annoyed with him avoiding the question.

"Nat threw a taser disc at his arm so I was able to catch him off guard. I hit him over the head with one of my wings. It's vibranium so it was able to knock him out." He looked up at you as if he was ashamed he had beat up your boyfriend but your eyes grew wider as you waited for him to answer the fucking question. "He's in holding downstairs. Nat and I thought-" He trails off and you're just about to blow up before you yell.

"Thought what?"

"We've seen him like this before a few times but the last time Buck had a few years of peace. He was able to regain his control away from Hydra and the Avengers. It was right after the bombing at the conference for the Sokovia Accords. They captured us and somehow Zemo got back in and got that code into Buck's brain but when he passed out in a helicopter crash he woke up normal. Well, as normal as he can be." Was Sam really making a fucking joke?

"Take me to him. NOW!"

"Hold on there, doll. He woke up fifteen minutes ago."

"Take me!"

"He's not Bucky, he's the soldier. He woke up the soldier." Your ears started ringing. The words from Sam's mouth came in muffled as your stare held a small imperfection on the wall across the room. Your heart pounded in your chest. Before you know what's happening Sam's hand reached your shoulders and started shaking you as he repeated your name trying to grab your attention. Your brain was doing cartwheels, the man you love, your James was gone, replaced by an assassin.

"Let me see him." You cut off his empty words with a stern command, it may hurt but you knew you had to see him.

"I don't think that's-"

"No, Sam you don't get to think. You don't get to tell me what's a good idea and what's not. You are supposed to protect one another, and you didn't; you let them hurt him. You let them take him away. You have lost every right to tell me what I can and cannot do with James. You will fucking take me to him right fucking now." Your eyes welled up with frustrated tears and you tore into him. You knew it wasn't his fault entirely but when it all came down to it you were mad and he was the only person around for you to yell at.

Sam led you through the hill in silence; he was probably upset with you or himself. You could worry about his feelings later right now you needed to get to him you needed to find Bucky. Your legs were moving at double speed causing Sam to pick up his pace. You walked through the concrete walls you'd been in a million times but you'd never felt more lost. Sam opened the door for you and you rushed in to see Natalia standing there, her gaze not leaving the glass wall that separated you all from Bucky. He was tied down to a slanted concrete slab with thick metal bands; all the walls were concrete except the one in front of him. The metal bars that lined it vertically would've made it impossible for him to get to the glass. Your heart shattered seeing him like this, caged up like some wild zoo animal.

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