Step 5

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<A/N> In case you were wondering I listening to "Put It on Me" by Matt Maeson a lot when I was writing this chapter. Also there are some *sexual* situations in this chapter but I am not going to put smut warnings up. It was in my intro 3 times that there was going to be smut. You knew what you were getting into, girl. Enjoy!


Waking up at a decent hour felt nice. You hadn't got the full 8 hours but in the haze of morning it felt good to look at the clock and still see single digits flashing back at you. Laying in Bucky's arms, that was a whole other feeling, one that you couldn't place, but you'd woken up with a smile on your face.  His bare chest rose and fell under your head as his lungs contracted and expanded, your ear pressed to his heart you listened as it pumped the blood through his veins and life into his body. You were wrapped up in the symphony of his body.

You stared at the wall, not wanting to move. You assumed he was still sleeping but if he wasn't and you had given away that you were awake lying there, it would have given him the wrong idea or.. well it doesn't matter what, you just didn't want him reading too much into it.

You felt warm, really warm. He radiated heat to every part of your entangled bodies. The fact that you were wearing his hoodie while also wrapped up in a blanket didn't help much either.  You casually slipped your leg from the blanket looking for a little relief in the form of cool air on your bare skin. You let out a sigh when the air conditioned temperature kissed the skin on your legs easing  your feverishness.

"Morning, Doll" you heard rumbling through the chest your ear was pressed against, and you cursed your movements  knowing you had been found out.

You sat up casually trying to avoid making eye contact with him, stretching your arms up putting on a show of your stretch and yawn as if you'd just woken up at his words. You started unzipping his hoodie so you could let the rest of your body cool off.

"Hey" was all you could muster. It was hard for you to think about why he was there, why he had to hold you, and you really hoped he wasn't going to be his typical asshole self about the whole thing. Sitting forward to pull the hoodie from your bottom you pulled out your arms and folded it onto your lap.

"I was going to go make some breakfast if you'd like to join me." He said, and to your surprise it didn't seem sarcastic. You weren't going to question his new found kindness, it came on as a relief,  so you nodded your head at the sound of breakfast, you could go for that.

He wasn't going to bring up the elephant in the room. Wasn't going to ask why you made him hold you all night, not going to ask why you continued to lay on him even when you'd woken up in the safety of the morning. He was just asking if you were hungry and you let that speak for itself because it was really very sweet. That or he didn't want you in his room by yourself.

"Yeah, okay" You said shaking your head still unable to meet his eyes. He sat up and got off the bed. You stilled your movements waiting for him to walk in front of you knowing what you were about to get a glimpse of. Rounding the bed you took in the sight of him again, even though you had been pretty much on top of him a moment ago, there was something about the full view of him, and the way he always walked with such purpose that made your body shake. His sweatpants resting on his hips and his arms swaying as he walked across your line of sight, his skin was perfectly tanned and his chest perfectly toned, he was pretty fucking amazing to look at. You pressed your thighs together, trying to relive pressure, feeling an ache of need pool in your belly.

"Fucking hell" you thought silently to yourself, "I have a crush on this one armed wonder boy." You shook your head trying to erase the thought from your mind, it was not the time to dive into your subconscious  and process your attraction it was time to eat. And with that you stood from the bed as Bucky disappeared into the closet shutting the door behind him.

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