|Norman & Ray| Take Me to Wonderland

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Requested By: moonblacky2009

Genre: Wonderland!AU

(Y/N): Your First Name

Emma = Alice
Ray = White Rabbit
Norman = Mad Hatter

(Y/N)'s POV

 I hummed a short tune as I arranged the books on the shelf, holding the ladder step tightly for balance.

"Thanks for the help, (N/N)," Norman smiled from the base of the ladder, holding it in place.

"It's fine. I wanted to see the new books Mama brought us," I reassured as I went down carefully while Norman held my hand.

As I dusted myself, Emma and Ray came into the library with a cart full of books.

"Hey~! You guys are done already?" Emma asked, looking around the library.

"We just finished," Norman answered, dusting off his hands.

"Are there any (F/G)?" I asked, scanning the pile.

"They're mostly textbooks or fiction," Ray answered, handing me a book, "Try this one. Mama said it's pretty good."

Alice in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll

"Huh..." I mumbled, raising a brow at the cover.

It had a little blonde girl in blue following a rabbit dressed in red to a rabbit hole inside a forest.

"Hm... Why not?" I smiled, taking a stack from the cart as we arranged them.

I quietly turned the page as Ray focused on his own book while Norman counted down from ten, covering his eyes.

"Is it really that good?" Ray asked, his eyes not leaving the pages.

"Very. It's doesn't really make any sense, but that's what makes it so interesting," I smiled, picturing the story in my head like a movie.

Ray raised a brow as he looked over my shoulder.

"A cake that makes you grow like a giant and a potion that makes shrink down to a size of a mouse..." Ray muttered, looking over at me.

"Shh... Don't ask questions," I retorted as I placed an index finger on his lips, flipping the page.

"Maybe you can read it to Phil and the others tonight," Norman suggested when he finished counting down.

"Hmm... It's been a while since we've done that anyway," I smiled as Norman headed off to the forest, most likely breaking his record for hide-and-seek.

"What do you think?" I looked over to Ray curiously,

"If you don't fall asleep halfway and make me finish it, then I don't see why not," Ray replied as he flipped through the pages, finding where he left off in an instant.

The afternoon went on as I continued to read, engrossed in the story.

I stifled a yawn but continued to read, eager to find out what's next.

"And... Done!" I smiled in satisfaction, closing the book victoriously.

I stood up and stretched with a groan, looking around.

"Huh... I didn't see Ray leave... Or the others..." I muttered, looking around the field.

In the corner of my eye, I saw something red zoom past the trees.

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