"What'd you mean?" Marinette asks, concerned for her little wards, "That was almost a week ago, you could have come to me sooner." The Parisian sits up and pats her lap, Tikki and Plagg sit.

"We- we just didn't- we didn't wanna-"

"We think you need to be more careful with your identity, they clearly can't be trusted," Tikki finishes, crossing her arms in resolve.

"What?! No! They clearly care about her and her well being from what you said! And they backed off when you explained why her identity needs to stay secret!"

"Yeah, but you can't be sure that they're telling the truth!"

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't they try and follow when she was on that toxin thing? They could have used it to their advantage but they didn't!"

"Or maybe they're the reason I had to calm Marinette while she was hyperventilating! You don't know if they questioned her, or tried to poke the answer out of her. What if they got what they wanted?" Tikki asked, her voice more grave than before.

"What would happen if they knew who she was? Do you really think they'll tell her who they are? That won't accomplish anything except putting them all at risk."

"You're always the one going on and on about trust! My last holder might not have been a good hero but these guys have gone way beyond that. They help make her better, a better hero, that's what she needs. A mentor, and if a new team comes along with it then who are we to deny help when working in one of the most dangerous cities in the world!"


"We thought Chat was good, maybe not perfect, but enough and look how that turned out! Let's just be grateful he was enough of a mess that Ladybird took the ring before Hawkmoth could."

"He did his best! With how he was raised, could you blame him for seeing the ring as a freedom instead of a responsibility?" Plagg defends, he cared about Adrien even if he failed as a hero and holder. The kid wasn't ready for a miraculous, too isolated and sheltered to understand the responsibility that rested on his shoulders.

"Guys-" Marinette tries to cut in.

"No. But it doesn't matter because we can't change the past. We can only change the here and now, and what we need to do is protect the guardian's identity at all costs!"

"But their identities are secret! Even with each other knowing, and they've been doing it since before Master Fu gave out the miraculous."

"How do you know?"

"Everyone knows Bat has been around for years!"

"No, Plagg, how do you know no one else knows? That they don't have their own 'support system'?" Tikki does air quotes with her little arms, "That no one else knows who they are," She clarifies.

"Guys!" The miniature gods stop at Marinette raising her voice, floating down to her lap again. "I know you guys both have your own opinions about this but we need to get some rest. We can talk about it tomorrow." The little gods nod as Marinette finally sinks beneath her thick covers, the cool, smooth sheets feeling nice against her feet as she drifts off to sleep.

Scrambling out of her desk, Marinette stands and makes her way to the exit, the fire alarm attached to the wall blaring as students crowd the hallways. The Parisian waits, a group of girls gossiping as they walk out of the room. Many students are grateful for the intrusion of a fire drill.

Marinette had been sitting in the back of the room so she's waiting for her turn. The sound of something hitting the ground with a snap catches her attention over the hustle and bustle of the evacuation. Turning, Marinette sees Damian grabbing his crutch from the ground and nearly dropping the other. In the narrow rows of desks maneuvering with a boot and two crutches looks like a challenge.

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