43 - safe

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A/N: felt bad for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger

Isabella POV

I was working my shift and maybe about 20 minutes later I was getting called to the pit, which was weird since I tend to stay on the pediatric floor. I make it into the pit and I see in the first room Penny was laying on one of the beds all bloodied.

There were surgeons and nurses crowding her which would normally freak her out, but she was passed out. I rushed over to her body and held one of her hands in mine. She had deep lacerations on her face and one of her legs was definitely broken.

"What happened to Penelope?" I demanded and the charge nurse working gave me a curious look.

"How do you know her?" The other nurse asked me.

I rolled my eyes, "She's my daughter! Where's my wife? What happened?" I started yelling and the nurse pushed me and her out of the room.

"I need you to calm down Isabella. Penelope was in a wreck. The guy who hit her was drunk and freaked out bringing only her here before calling 911 about your wife. The guy is still here. He felt bad about the accident and he needed to be checked out. Now I need to go back in there to help your daughter because she's going up to OR soon." The nurse said as she started to walk away.

"Get her a head CT!" I yelled and the nurse gave me a sad smile before going back into the room." I found a chair and started sobbing before calling Mariana.

Mariana answered, but wasn't really able to decipher what was happening so she ended up saying she would come to the hospital. I stood up to start pacing when EMTs wheeled Beth in on a stretcher.

I immediately ran to her side. "Beth? Beth baby? Are you okay?" I asked frantically and I could tell she had been sobbing, but I don't know why.

"They have her Bella! They took Penny. They took my baby!" Beth shouted and her blood pressure started sky rocketing. They transferred her to the hospital bed and I climbed into bed with her to calm her down since what they were doing was not working.

"Babe, babe, listen to me. Penelope is here. She is in surgery, she's going to be fine. No one took her." I tried to explain and she started crying harder.

"She wasn't there when the ambulance got me. They didn't know about her!" Beth demanded and I kissed her hairline.

"The person who hit you two was a drunk driver. He wasn't completely wasted, but he thought it was rational to bring Penny here. The police are waiting for him to get checked out and then they'll be taking him in. Apparently Penny looked to be in worse shape and he thought she was a little kid. I promise you babe, Penny was not taken. She is safe and as soon as she's out of surgery you'll get to see her." I reassured my wife and she started to calm down soon.

Mariana walked into her room shortly and scooted the chair closer to the bed before sitting down and holding Beth's hand. "I'm so grateful you are okay my love." Mariana said before laying her head in Beth's lap. Mariana kissed Beth's hand several times and Beth ran her fingers through her hair.

Deciding to leave them, I went to check on the progress of Penny's surgery only to be surprised to see her awake. One of the nurses was trying to check on her but she had clearly slipped and was having none of it.

"Sugarplum, let the nurse do her job please." I spoke quietly as I walked into the door. Penny looked up at me and she started crying.

"Momma?" Penny asked and I nodded as I crawled into bed with her and held her in my arms.

"Why was I not alerted to when my daughter was out of surgery?" I asked in a harsh tone causing the other nurse to flinch.

"She just got out of surgery and we wanted to ensure she was stable before bringing family back. My apologies." The nurse spoke with her head down.

"I'm going to move her to my wife's room. She's been panicked about her." I spoke dismissively while getting up to carry Penny out of the room. I was careful of her injuries and I wheeled what she was hooked up to along with us before making it back into Beth's room.

Penny saw Beth first and put her hands out towards her. "Mommy!" Penny cried and I quickly got her to her mommy.

Bethany POV

I pulled Penny into my arms and just inhaled her scent. She's here, she's safe. "My baby girl." I said trying to not let the tears fall. I kissed the top of her head multiple times.

"I t'ought somet'ing bad happen mommy. You was covered in blood." Penny cried into my shoulder as I rubbed circles on her back.

"I am so sorry baby girl. I never wanted something like that to happen. I was really scared too baby. I woke up and you were gone, I thought something bad happened to you too. I love you so much baby." I told her quickly before covering her in kisses. I was extremely relieved to have my baby in my arms with me.

She cuddled right into my body and didn't move an inch. "I love you to mommy, and mommies." Penny said to Mariana and Bella. She always made sure to include them. I looked over Penny and the main thing I noticed was her cut up face and broken leg.

I kissed her forehead, "I'm so sorry baby." I told her quietly and she shook her head.

"Not you fault mommy. Accident." Penny told me before kissing my cheek. I nodded my head in understanding before laying back with her cuddled on my chest. I gave my wives a look of relief and they both returned one to me. 

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