Chapter 55

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A few months after the kids high school graduation, it was their movie in day for college. They decided to pick a school in New York because they wanted to be in the same area as family while their parents were in a whole different country. Yes Aaliyah decided last month that she was going to stay with Dre.

"I get it, you guess wanna get away and what not but how come it just can't be a trip? Why do you have to move?", Jada asked.

"We just think it best for not only us but for you guys too", Aaliyah said.

"I think they deserve it honestly", Adrienne said.

"Yea, as long as I still get that money we agreed on", Andrea said.

Dre chuckled. "Every month, yes", he said. "The both of you"

"But we are going to be late for our flight. We will see you guys for Christmas break", Aaliyah said.

"Okay", Adrienne replied.

They all hugged each other and said their goodbyes and I love yous and Dre and Aaliyah left.

"So, are you guys ready to go to my apartment?", Jada asked.

"What kind of job you got again?", Andrea asked.

"The kind I don't need a college education for", Jada said.

The three of them started walking to Jada's car.


The following week, the twins started their classes and it was taking them time to get used to it.

"Damn, I ain't here from you in days. Thought you was dead", Jeremiah said.

"No. I've just been busy with school and trying to find a job", Adrienne said.

"I thought your dad was sending y'all money every week", Jeremiah said.

"Barely. He gotta pay for just about Andrea's whole tuition. She didn't get any scholarships except for life and that ain't nothing. Like what does he expect me to do with 100 dollars a month? I asked him and he talking about some stretch it. Make it work", Adrienne said.

"You spoiled as hell. But she better take out some student loans", Jeremiah said.

"That's what I said", Adrienne said. "But I'm talking to you now so what's up? How's school? How's football?"

"Bad and good", Jeremiah answered.

"I guess I should ask why is it bad?", Adrienne said.

"I don't have you", Jeremiah said.

"So corny. Lame ass", Adrienne said.

Jeremiah chuckled.

"What? It's true", Jeremiah said.

As Adrienne was walking, she saw Andrea talking to some boys.

Adrienne shook her head.

"I'll call you back", Adrienne said.

"What? We just got on the phone", Jeremiah said.

"I know. But I'll call you right back", Adrienne said.

"Fine", Jeremiah said.

Adrienne hung up and walked over to Andrea.

"Damn", one of boys said when he saw the twins next to each other. "Y'all twins right?"

"Yea", Andrea said as she looked at Adrienne. "Need me?"

"Nah. Just checking on you", Adrienne said.

"I'm good", Andrea said. "You can go now"

"I'm not leaving you here with all these niggas", Adrienne said.

"I'm just talking. Chill out", Andrea said.

Adrienne made a face.

"I'm good", Andrea said again.

Adrienne looked at the guys.

"We don't mean no harm. We all was honestly just talking", one of the guys said.

Adrienne rolled her eyes and walked away.

Andrea watched her for a moment then looked at the guys.

"So, what's it going to be?", Andrea asked.

"Alright fine. We got a deal", he said.

"Cool. I'll give you my number in class. I'll talk to you later", Andrea said as she walked away.

The guy watched her for a moment.

"What y'all got going on?", one of the guys asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it", the guy that Andrea was talking to said. "I gotta go to class"

He started walking away.


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