Chapter 20

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Jada was chilling in her room when Carmen knocked on the door.

"Come in", Jada said.

Carmen opened the door.

"Hey boo", Carmen said.

"Hey", Jada replied.

"You wanted to talk to me?", Carmen asked.

"Yea. I don't really like that woman my dad is dating and I still don't like the fact that he brought her a ring", Jada said.

"...that ring isn't for her, Jada", Carmen said.

"You told him I found it?", Jada asked.

"Yea. But it isn't for her", Carmen said.

"You don't know that. He's probably lying", Jada said.

"He wasn't. You dad doesn't normally lie to save his own butt", Carmen said. "He may keep secrets and that's for the best but he doesn't lie"

"So what was the ring for", Jada said.

Carmen changed the subject. "Jada, is there something that you need?", Carmen asked.

"Her gone", Jada said. "She isn't right for my dad and honestly I feel like you are"

Carmen shook her head.

"Seriously. It's the way he looks at you and talks to you...he shows a different side around you versus with her", Jada said.

"Jada, I am in a relationship", Carmen said.

"Okay and what if you weren't?", Jada asked.

"Then I wouldn't be with your father. We went down that road twice and both times didn't go well", Carmen said.

Jada sighed.

"I'm not getting in the way of his love life", Carmen said.

"...wait I just thought about something", Jada said. "How did you get in here? Nobody else is home"

"...I um...I have a key", Carmen said.

Jada raised her eyebrows.

"He never got it back and honestly I forgot I even had it", Carmen said.

Jada nods.

"But just get to know her. Give her a chance", Carmen said.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps and Killa walked up to the doorway.

"Oh. Hey, Daniel", Carmen said.

"What's up", Killa said. "Why you here?"

"Jada called me, but I was just leaving", Carmen said as she got up. "I have to go meet someone"

"Who? Bryce?", Killa asked.

Carmen starred at him.

"Can I talk to you in the hallway for a minute?", she asked.

"Cool", Killa said.

Carmen walked out of the room and Killa shut the door behind him.

"I might as well call you a stalker now. You really are keeping tabs on me",  Carmen said. "Why?"

"Because I wanna make sure you good", Killa said.

"I can handle myself, I don't need you researching who I talk to", Carmen said. "What? You scared that I'll find someone better than you?"

"Ain't nobody better than me", Killa said.

"You sure about that? Because Bryce has no criminal record, he doesn't things legally and is doing great for himself, he treats me great and cares about my feelings", Carmen said.

Born Husltas : Spin-off to HustlaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant