Chapter 49

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When Thursday came, Aaliyah and Dre sat across from each other and their lawyers next to them.

Dre's leg was jumping the whole time during the meeting. Aaliyah knew he was trying to keep every bit of argue he had, to himself.

"So before we finalize things, we just wanna make things clears. Andre walks away with everything. The money, the assets, everything and because the kids are already 18 they are no longer minors so we don't have to worry about that", Dre's lawyer said.

"That sounds correct. That is what Aaliyah requested", Aaliyah's lawyer said.

"I don't want anything that could be held over my head", Aaliyah said.

Dre made a face for a moment and then started talking.

"You sound stupid", he said.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes as she got up.

"Is there anything I gotta sign? Or do I want for the papers to come in the mail? Because I have better things to do", Aaliyah said.

"Well both", Aaliyah's lawyer said. "Just sign here and you're free to go"

Aaliyah looked at the paper and read through it.

"Second thoughts?", Dre asked.

"Just reading", Aaliyah said before she signed her name.

Dre rolled his eyes.

The lawyer slid the paper to Dre.

Dre looked at the paper.

"I don't feel like I should sign this", Dre said.

"And why is that?", Aaliyah asked.

"Because if I sign it, that means I'm giving up", Dre said.

"You should because you have nothing else to fight for", Aaliyah said.

"Signing this will not make things final. It's just showing that you both agree on these things to be finalized in the divorce papers when you both get them", Dre's lawyer said.

Dre sat up and leaned forward as he looked at Aaliyah.

"Can we get a minute alone?", Dre asked the lawyers.

Dre's lawyer stood up.

Aaliyah's lawyer looked at her.

"Just a moment", Aaliyah said.

Aaliyah's lawyer stepped out of the room along with Dre's.

"What?", Aaliyah asked.

"I can't believe yo ass right now", Dre said.

"What can't you believe?", Aaliyah asked.

"That you wanna actually do this shit. Aren't you the one who said that we been through too much for you to just end things", Dre asked.

"That was in regards of you asking me if I cheated. Not if you hurt me emotionally", Aaliyah said. "I even gave you a chance to tell the truth but instead you lied to me"

"Aaliyah, babygirl I-"

"You haven't called me that in a long time. Matter a fact, you only call me that when you're trying to keep your cool", Aaliyah said.

"Because I am and as I was saying I didn't do anything to betrayal or dishonor our marriage", Dre said.

" just married the girl", Aaliyah said.

"That's not true", Dre said.

"It is and you're going to sign this paper and the divorce papers when they come, Andre. If you don't, you will be forced and it won't be pretty", Aaliyah said.

"What are you going to do Aaliyah?", Dre asked.

"It's not about what I'm going to do", Aaliyah said.

Dre raised his eyebrows.

"What the fuck are you saying? Who would then?", Dre asked.

"Sign the god damn papers and we won't have to figure out", Aaliyah said.

"Damn, I just had a flashback to when I first met you. I haven't heard you talk like that in years", Dre said.

"Then that should lead you to realize that I'm back to that old self that didn't give a damn about being in a relationship", Aaliyah said.

"Only difference is you've been in a relationship too long to know what it feels like to be single. It'll hit different no having me by yourself everyday. Someone to laugh with, someone to-"

"Sign the papers please", Aaliyah said interrupting him.

Dre paused for a moment. "...fine", he replied.

"Begging doesn't look good on you", Aaliyah said.

"Neither doesn't holding back your feelings. You're acting like you're fine with what's going on. You're not. You're acting like this is going to be the best decision you ever made in your life but it's not. You're going back to your old ways. You want people to think that you're emotionless and that you don't care but you do...because the minute you get home and actually think about things, you you'll feel sick to your stomach", he said as he signed the paper. "Because I feel that way right now, after doing that"

Aaliyah looked down.

Dre stood up.

"But I did say that I wanted to make you happy...and if you think that this will make you happy then so be it", he said before he walked toward the door.


"I don't wanna talk anymore", he said before he walked out.

Aaliyah sat there for a moment then got up and walked out.


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