Chapter 17

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They met Aaliyah in a parking lot and Aaliyah got out to the car and walked to Jada.

"Hey mom", Jada said softly.

"Don't hey mom me", Aaliyah said. "What is wrong with you?"

Jada rolled her eyes and looked to the side.

"Bae, we'll be back", Dre said through the window.

"Okay, whatever", Aaliyah said.

Dre rolled his eyes and looked forward. "Let's go", Dre said.

Killa started driving.

"Why did you do that?", Aaliyah said.

"I guess I was upset... but I'm not anymore. I get why you guys don't tell me certain things. I just don't need to know", Jada said. "I'm sorry"

"...What happened to your eye?", Aaliyah asked.

"...king", Jada said as she looked down.

"What did you dad do?", Aaliyah asked.

"He didn't get to do anything... Dre did", Jada said.

"...oh. What did he do?", Aaliyah asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it...but I do any something to say", Jada said.

"Okay", Aaliyah said.

"I wanna live with dad", Jada said.

"...okay but can I ask why?", Aaliyah asked.

"...I barely see him and well I just think he may enjoy my company", Jada said.

"Okay", Aaliyah said. "...I didn't do anything did I?"

"No", Jada replied.

"Dre?", Aaliyah asked.

" mom. It's just something I've been wanting to do that's all", Jada said.

Aaliyah nods. "Okay. Fine", Aaliyah said. "...let's pack your things then"

Jada nods.


Andrea was the next person to be taken out of the room. Her heart was beating faster than ever and all she wanted to do was cry. She thought that at any moment that her parents would come to her rescue like usual but they never did.

"Take your clothes off", the guy said.

This voice was deep, scary deep.

Andrea shook her head.

"Can I please go? Look, my parents will give you their last if you just let me call them", Andrea said.

The guy got to her level and in her face. "Take off you clothes and leave your bra and underwear on. Now", he said.

"...okay", Andrea said as she took her clothes off.

"You a virgin?", he asked.

Andrea didn't say anything.

"I asked you a question", he said.

"Yes", Andrea said once there was nothing left off her expect for her bra and underwear.

"Okay. Come on", he said as he grabbed her and they walked out of the room.

They walked into a room and he left her in there as he shut the door behind him.

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