Chapter 26- Pay Up Bitches!

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After almost two weeks, we finally just got done with our last preview and tomorrow is opening night. And to celebrate we ordered a shit ton of pizza to eat in the lobby. Also in a matter of minutes, my family should be arriving, which is a blessing and a curse.

"What are you doing to your pizza?" I ask Josh in horror.

"Tell me you are not one of those people," he says.

"If by one of those people you mean, not a complete psycho!"

"It is just ranch," Josh tries to reason and I fake a gag.

Steph waves at me then points to Jeff, who just came down to the lobby. I have been putting off talking to Jeff because he has been stressed because of everything going on. I walk over to Ben and hand him the plate full of food that I nagged. "Here take this." He gives me a weird look. "I will be right back."

"Okay but it won't be my fault if you come back and half the food is gone," he tells me, popping a chip in his mouth. I roll my eyes, shake my head playfully at him, and turn to get Jeff's attention.

"Jeff," I say as I walk up to him.

He smiles at me. "What can I do for you Kaylee?"

"I need to talk to you in private." He looks a little worried at that. "I just have a few questions about-" I think for a moment to find the right words. "Parental control so to speak."

"Let's take a walk. I don't know if I will be able to get you the answers you are looking for-"

"Kaylee!" a familiar voice squeals from the check in desk. I grimace. This is just perfect timing.

"Should we try to talk later?" Jeff asks. I nod eagerly. "Come to the theater earlier or try to catch me during breakfast."

"Thank you. I-"


"I have to go. I will be sure to catch up with you tomorrow," I say to Jeff and turn and see Addie waving me down from the desk and the rest of my family looking at me expectantly. I half run half walk across the room and Addie throws herself at me.

"Oh my God! I have missed you so much! And I have so much to tell you and fill you in on!" she yells, which catches me off guard. "Oh! I have a gift from Mia and Hannah. They are really bummed that they weren't allowed to come, but flights are expensive. They told me to promise you that when you go to Chicago that they will definitely be there!" She squeals again. "It feels so good to have my sister back."

I almost want to say that if she really missed me she would return my texts. But I don't. "I missed you, too," I say instead. I really want to ask her about the trouble that Hannah told me she was getting in, but I bite my tongue. I release myself from her death grip and my grandparents engulf me in a huge hug. "I am so glad that both of you made it."

"Me too," Grandma whispers.

"We are both so proud of you," Grandpa says when we pull away. I go to hug my mom, who is nearly in tears because of our reunion. When I hug my dad, it is tense and awkward because of our fight, even though it has been two weeks since we last spoke, neither of us have buried the hatchet yet.

"Oh you guys. Let me introduce you to my tour family," I say. "Not all of us are here because some people also had family that came for the first show." I lead them over to the area where a large group of us were eating. "Guys," I announce, addressing everyone. "This is my sister Addie, my parents, and my grandparents." A chorus of hi's go around the room and a few of them wave.

Ben's eyes dart to my dad and for a second his smile looks forced. His gaze falls to me and I send him a smile and he smiles back for real and Addie elbows me hard in the ribs. I give her my what the hell was that for look. Steph stands up and walks over to us.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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