Chapter 14- Do You Need An Invitation?

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"Kaylee!" someone yells from downstairs. Today I had off along with everyone else on the cast. It was our last day of peace before our practice schedules got even more crazy because the show opens soon. Just because they had off too does not mean that they had the right to wake me up. My plan today is to sleep for as long as I can.

The yelling from downstairs continues except now others have joined in. If you just ignore them they will go away, I tell myself. I hear what sounds like a stampede of horses on the stairs, and my bedroom door flies open.

"Rise and shine Sleeping Beauty! We have a full day ahead of us and we are not wasting it sleeping!" Sky yells and opens the blinds on the window.

"We have a day off, I should have the right to sleep in!"

Sky walks over and yanks my covers off the bed. "That is where you are wrong! We are going shopping!"

"No, you can go shopping. I will go back to sleep," I say, trying to take my blankets back from Sky. "Besides, I don't enjoy shopping."

Sky stares at me for a few seconds and then scares the crap out of me by yelling at the top of his lungs, "I need some help in here!"

There is another stampede on the stairs, and four guys come into my room. I squint. One is Jordan, that one's Ben, I think that's Josh or maybe it is Chaz. The last two are too similar. I glare at Sky, hoping he can see the pure hatred in my eyes.

"Wow, if looks could kill you would be six feet under," a guy who I am certain is Chaz says to Sky.

"Lucky for me they don't, so since I am still here, we are making Kaylee go shopping with us," Sky says.

I reach over to my bedside table and put on my glasses. "I'm not going shopping on my day off," I grumble.

"So what do you have to do that is better than hanging out with us?" Josh asks, looking offended.

"I am gonna shower and then do some school stuff so I can get ahead and I won't have to do as much school when I am on tour."

Jordan wrinkles his nose. "That sounds boring."

"Yeah, well, I need a diploma and I hate shopping."

"Why do you hate shopping?" Josh asks.

"I just do. There are plenty of other things that one can do that are more fun."

"Does it have to do with the crowds?" Ben asks.


"Please come with us. Ben will hold your hand the whole time and if you freak out again we can go home," Sky begs.

"Why do you want me to come with you, anyway?"

"Yeah, she has a good question. Why do we want her to come with us?" Josh jokes. I glare at him.

"Kaylee, there has to be something that you need to go shopping for," Sky says. He's not wrong.

"Fine, I will go." I will regret this. They all look at me as if waiting for something.

"Are we going now? Do you need an invitation?" Jordan jokes.

"I need you guys to get out of my room so I can get dressed." They all have slightly uncomfortable looks on their faces and file out of my room.

I wear an old tee shirt and shorts, put in my contacts, pull my hair back.

"Okay I am ready," I announce coming down the stairs.

"Finally," Sky says.

"I did not take that long," I defend. "Besides you could have given me more warning."

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