Chapter 23- Sharing Is Caring

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A/N: I feel very productive today, two updates in one day. Anyway, sorry this chapter is a bit lengthy.....

Shopping with Steph actually isn't that bad. I mean it is not that I don't like shopping, but sometimes after a long day, it is the last thing you want to do. Steph was smart though and avoided me being crabby by providing me with food, so that always helps.

"Look at this," Steph says as she pulls a red sundress off of the rack.

"Eh. It would look okay on you." I tilt my head to the side. "I think we could find something else that would suit you better."

"Not on me! On you!"

"Oh." I pause and Steph raises her eyebrows at me. "I like dresses and all but when would I wear that?"

"When was the last time you have worn a dress?"

"Beginning of this summer for the senior banquet they hold at my old dance studio." I wasn't technically a senior yet, but I still got to go because I was good friends with a lot of them.

"Okay I can live with that. Now let's find you something to get because you haven't bought anything."

"I got a churro," I defend and she rolls her eyes.

We go from store to store for at least another 2 hours. I did eventually find things, just not as much as Steph. I only had five small bags compared to her twelve large ones. We got stopped twice because some Fansies recognized us from the interview that was posted in the Newsies Instagram account and the different Instagram takeovers. It was weird to be in that situation. I thought they just recognized Steph, but they knew who I was and wanted pictures with me too. Don't get me wrong I am flattered, but it is strange being known.

I really hope they didn't think I was awkward. I mentally cringe at the encounter. Two girls came over and asked for a picture and I said I would take it, thinking they just wanted one with Steph. One girl said she wanted me in the picture too and I looked at her and said, "Why?". Steph actually facepalmed. Luckily, I was able to laugh it off, but it didn't make it any less embarrassing.

"Are we done shopping? Because if so, I want some dinner," I say and rub my stomach.

"Yeah I think we are done. Want to grab something to eat on the way home or get something here?" Steph asks.

"On the way home because there is an IHop that way and I really want pancakes after today's rehearsal." Rehearsal today was a bitch. We did a full run through and then we went back and worked on anything that Jeff thought we needed to work on. Everyone was getting frustrated, especially Jeff because he made us redo a lot and then redo that because as soon as we fixed one thing there were three new problems. I think the pressure is really getting to us and stressing everyone out.

Steph nods and we walk back to the car. "I am dreading tomorrow," she groans. "It is our last day of rehearsals and how much do you want to bet we do more than one full run through?"

"I don't want to bet because I know that is what is happening." She gives me a look and puts the bags in the trunk. "I had to talk to Jared and I overheard Jeff say that is exactly what he is doing."

"Did he say anything about having the day we are traveling off?"

I shake my head and pull up the directions to the nearest IHop on my phone. "But I think that we are taking it easy to get used to the space and just kinda act and sing though it. I don't think he is making us dance through one hundred percent."

"Thank God because I don't want to sit on a bus for hours and then just to sweat out every ounce of water in my body. Then after we get to New York we have two days until previews. Then after barely a week and a half we have opening night!" I smile but butterflies form in my stomach. Not the good kind, the kind that makes you want to throw up.

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