Chapter 25- Okay, Stop Talking

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A/N: So it has been awhile since I have updates....... oops that's my bad :/ 

We got to the hotel around noon and we were all given room assignments and an hour of free time. Which I used to unpack and sit around and do nothing. Let me tell you after I unpacked, it was one glorious hour spent doing nothing.

From there, we went to the theater where the first couple weeks of performances are going to take place. I gawked at the size and the fanciness of this place. It is definitely an upgrade from the places in Chicago where I performed Les Misérables and Matilda. Not that it was shabby, it was still amazing, but this place is just beautiful.

In rehearsals, we practiced the parts that Jeff thought we still needed to work on, the big dance numbers, and the acting bits between the songs. We didn't do any singing because Jeff wanted us on vocal rest. At three thirty we called it a day and we had the rest of the day to ourselves, we were just told not to do anything stupid, and for some of us, like Josh and Sky, that is going to be hard.

I just finished showering and I need to talk to Ben about the whole meeting my family thing, but he hasn't replied to my text if he is out of the shower, so now I wait. I really don't want to force him into anything he doesn't want to do. Even though we have only been officially dating for a couple days, I hope he feels he can be honest and tell me if he really doesn't want to do this.

"Hey Kaylee," Steph says, pulling me from my thoughts. "I just thought I would let you know a lot of the gang is getting together in the lobby to hang out."

"I just want to talk to Ben about something and then I am sure we will be right down." She nods. "Oh and I forgot to thank you for calling my grandma. She mentioned that you were on the phone too."

"It was no trouble. You looked like you had about enough of your dad's bullshit." She takes a seat on the bed next to me. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"He was just repeating the 'you need to go to college and Broadway is not a career' spiel. It is just frustrating that he doesn't listen. I tried to tell him how I feel and that I don't want to go to college anymore and laughed at me then continued to lecture me." I put my face in my hands and laugh humorlessly. "Oh and my grades are slipping so I need to get them up or he is going to make me leave the tour. I still don't know if he can even do that, but-"

"Okay, stop talking." She pulls my hands from my face. "I am going to give you some advice. You don't have to do it, but I think you should at least consider it." I nod. "I think that you should talk to Jeff or someone who might know if your dad can actually make you leave the tour. Okay?" I nod again. "I think that since your dad is going to be here, you should try to have a civil conversation with him and your mom about not going to college and wanting to pursue your Broadway career. Or just a dancing, singing, or acting career."

"I don't think he will listen," I whisper.

"Tell him that as soon as you turn eighteen that he can't make you do anything. That this is your life and not his."

"I know but you would think that-" my voice cracks. I refuse to cry. I angrily rub my eyes and clear my throat. "I have worked so hard for this and I just want him to be proud."

"If he can't be proud of you for what you have accomplished now, then he is not worth seeking approval from at all. You hear me? You are so incredibly talented, don't let anyone make you think otherwise." I stand up and hug her. She rubs my back and I sniffle.

There is knock on our door and we pull apart and she wipes that stupid single tear that escaped my eye. "Kaylee are you there?" Ben asks, slightly muffled through the door.

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