Chapter 15- We Have A Real Problem Everyone

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I finish making eggs for Steph and I and carry the plates into the dining room. The only seat left is next to Steph, but across from Ben. I'm not sure what is going on between Ben and I. After the incident last night, he kissed me on the forehead and we each went our separate ways. I am fairly certain that he likes me but I don't know what that makes us.

I take my seat and try to avoid making eye contact with Ben. I slide a plate to Steph. There is small talk at the table, which I mostly ignore. I'm lost in my thoughts.

Should I talk to Ben? What does this mean? What are we? Do I need to make a move? Is he going to make a move? Did he tell anyone? Should I tell someone? Is-

My phone rings. I shovel the last of my eggs in my mouth and get up from the table. "Hello?" I ask, with my mouth partly full as I walk into the kitchen.

Hannah, Mia, and Addie sing Happy Birthday. Once they finish I say, "Wow, you guys are really tone deaf."

"Well, sorry not all of us are as gifted as you are," Mia says, laughing.

"I know that is true. I am just too talented," I boast jokingly.

"Ha ha," Addie laughs dryly.

"So do you feel any different since you are seventeen now?" Hannah asks.

Before I can answer, Mia and Addie burst into song. "'You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen!'"

"I'm not feeling any different. I-"

"'You can dance! You can jive! Having the time of your life! See that girl, watch that scene, digging the dancing queen!'" Mia and Addie continue to sing.

"Anyway, I have to get going to rehearsals now. I promise I will call you later though," I say, trying to talk over the singing.

"Okay. Have fun! Love you," Hannah says.

"Love you too." I hang up and walk back into the dining room. I take my seat next to Steph.

"Was that the one guy that you were talking to yesterday?" Josh asks, wiggling his eyebrows. The table falls silent and I can feel everyone watching me.

"No. That was Mia, Hannah, and Addie." I pick up my plate and take it to the sink. Steph follows me.

"You never told me about any guy," she says. "Are you going to call him? You never called the pizza guy and," she pauses and whispers, "it is about time that you came to terms with the fact that you like Ben."

I look at her for a moment. "I already did," I mumble.

"What? You talked to the pizza boy!" I shake my head no. "Holy shit you and-" I cut her off by covering her mouth with my hand. "Sorry," she says, muffled by my hand and I pull my hand away. "You and Ben talked about your feelings?" she whispers.

"Not exactly," I say, rinsing my plate.

"Then what happened?"


Some guys come in to put their dishes away. Steph sends me glares from the other side of the kitchen. I just smirk at her, until she looks at Ben, who is walking into the kitchen, and she has an epiphany moment and, no doubt, figures it out.

"Holy shit!" she yells and I face-palm.

The guys look between Steph and I, trying to figure out what we were talking about. "Carry on everyone. Nothing to see here!" I announce.


Rehearsals went amazing today. We did a full run through of the show with costumes for the first time. I have practiced with the shoes, and hats before, but it felt complete with the whole costume.

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