Chapter 9- Ever Heard Of Dishes

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I come down the stairs with a comb and hair ties in hand. I make my way to the living room and sit down in front of Steph, who is on the couch. "French or Dutch?" she asks, parting my hair.

"Dutch. Did you guys order the pizza yet?"

"Yep," Jordan says, popping the p. "It should be here any minute." A couple minutes later, when the doorbell rings, a chorus of not it's goes around the room. I groan.

"Fine, I'll get it," I say. I grab the cash off the counter and open the front door. "Hi."

"Uh, three cheese pizzas, three pepperoni, three sausage pizzas, and one Hawaiian pizza for Crutchie," the delivery boy says, looking a little confused.

"Yep sounds right," I say, taking some boxes from him.

"Do you need some help carrying those in?" he asks. The delivery boy was kinda cute. He had dark hair and hazel eyes. Apparently, he thought I was cute too, because he gave me a once over and then blushed when I caught him.

"No thanks," I say. "Hey one of you boys come help me with the pizzas," I yell into the house. I hear another round of not it's and Chaz and Jeff appear. "Here you go." I give each of them five boxes and turn to the delivery boy. "Here is your money," I say and hand him the cash.

"You know there was this special tonight," he says and I raise an eyebrow. "If a beautiful girl orders ten pizzas, she gets my phone number and maybe a free date if she wants."

"That's an interesting special. But I didn't order the pizzas, a shame really. But if you'd like, I can get the person who actually ordered the pizzas." The delivery boy huffs a laugh. He scribbles something down on a piece of paper.

"Here is your receipt and my number. Feel free to give me a call," he says, handing them to me.

"I will think about," I say as he winks and turns to leave. I close the door behind him and go to the kitchen to get some pizza.

"What just happened?" Steph whispers to me.

"The delivery guy gave me his number," I say as I grab two slices of pepperoni pizza.

"Are you going to call him?"

"No. We are going on tour and-"

"You like someone else? Perhaps someone that's on the tour with you?" She bumps her shoulder into mine.

"No. I just don't want to deal with that right now."

"I think you should call him," she says finally. Only she said it too loud and attracted the attention of some of the others.

"Call who?" Josh asks.

"The pizza boy gave her his number," Steph says. I groan. I didn't want this announced to the entire world.

"Are you going to call him?" Zachary asks, joining the conversation.

"I am not having this conversation again!" I yell, going to the living room.


I stare at the ceiling. It is three in the morning. This happens to me sometimes. I fall asleep for a few hours and I wake up and can't go back to sleep again. It hasn't happened since-

I stop myself. Think about something else, I command. It is probably because tomorrow is our first official day of rehearsals. We will go over music and lines a bit and then in a couple days we start the choreography, which I am really excited for. But there is still the nervousness in my stomach that won't go away.

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