Chapter Twenty-five

Start from the beginning

"Let me go!" I said twisting my body away from his touch. They kept touching me, trying to rip my clothes off.

"Jace please let me go!" I tried to yell at them. They pushed me against the wall grinding up against me. "Miracle wake up." I heard echoing as the kept on pushing me. He kept at his sick moments over powering me. I kicked and I screamed. I kept on kicking and screaming till my body shot up.

"Leave me alone, please. Please let me go." I cried, my body shaking against the person holding me.

Shaking, kicking and screaming. Shaking, kicking and screaming. Shaking, kicking and screaming.

It wasn't until I could feel my mother running her hands up and down my hair that I stopped fussing.

"It's okay baby, it's okay. Momma's here, mommy's got you." She said kissing my forehead. My breathing was ragged, my vision blurred, my skin doused in sweat as tears dripping down my chin to my chest. When my vision was better, I was able to see who was in the room. I looked at my sister and brother who held worried expression. Mathias was more of a fusion of rage and worry.

I sighed, pulling myself away from my mother's grasp. She was hesitant, but I assured her that I was alright. I walked over to the bathroom, surprisingly, I was uninterrupted. I washed my face with some water. After doing so, I re-entered the room. My sister wouldn't stop staring at me. It was until she was able to make eye contact with me that made the tear slip. "He tried to rape you. Didn't he?" She said covering her mouth to stop the squeal. I turned away from her, stiffly nodding my head.

"I'm gonna kill him." Mathias said grabbing his shirt and shoes. I ran to him before he could get to the door, blocking his path. "Captain please, now is not the time." He tried getting me out of the way, but couldn't manage to find a way to do so without hurting me.

I somehow convinced him to just leave it until after school. He reluctantly agreed to do so, also he had to because he didn't have his car. My mother and sister tried to convince me to not go because it could end up affecting me at school. I refused to do so constantly pushing that I was fine.

I most certainly was not. But I had to make sure Mathias didn't do anything stupid. After I took a shower; I got dressed in a simple baby blue skirt and a grey top. My family wouldn't stop staring at me. My mother was the first one to get to me, she hugged me, muttering that she was sorry. I assured her that none of it was her fault and that none of them should think it was.

"Be careful." My brother said giving me a hug. Maddie joined in but didn't say anything. I wished them goodbye before taking my keys and walking outside to meet Mathias already by my car. I opened it, hoping in, as did Mathias. I made my way out of the driveway and onto the road, driving off.


We got to school and walked inside. Once we got inside, the worst possible thing happened, while walking to my locker.

I bumped into Jace.

Mathias pulled me away from him, staring at him with hatred in his eyes. Jace looked at him weirdly as I tried pulling him away. He walked off with a confused mumble. Once I was sure Jace was far enough, I picked up Mat's hand, rubbing his knuckles with the pad of my thumb. "Baby, you have to relax." I said to him as he inspected the area behind him, as if Jace would magically appear. I was about to speak when my phone rang. I answered it, before pressing it to my ear, seconds later.

I didn't bother looking at the caller ID since I hardly got calls from anyone outside my friends or family. "Hello?" I called questioningly through the smart device clasps tightly by my friends. "Morning babygirl! Is Mathias with you?" Lucious asks through the phone. I nodded, then realized he couldn't see me so I confirmed it with a quick 'yes.' I handed the phone to Mathias, enabling him to speak with Lucious.

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