"S-Sabrina no... protect C-Cari," I struggled to get out fighting the pain.

"What no Nat you're weaker than-"

"Exactly!" I yelled "We need Cari. Please." I begged. I knew what I was facing. It was going to feel like my blood was being boiled but I trusted my mate with my life. Sabrina looked at me with sorrow and I just nodded as she turned her spell to Cari.

"FUCKKKK" I screamed in pain as I feel the full effects of the witch's spell in my blood.

Just then the door flew open and Joseph and Isabel and two other vampires I didn't recognize burst through the door. My teeth were still fully out and my eyes glowing as the four vampires just stared at me in shock.

"Izzy with me. Joseph and Jess with Nat. Maggie protect the human." Cari ordered her family. Instantly they complied and rushed to their positions. Finally, we had the advantage. But I was still screaming in pain. I gripped Joseph with all my might.

"Nat, I got you. Cari is going to handle this. It's going to be okay. Breathe." Joseph said calmingly but it didn't stop my torment.

A tear came from my eyes but the vampire that I assumed was Jess wiped it away.

"Shhh honey we got you," she told me while wrapping me up in her arms.

"Are you really that stupid?" Becky said condescendingly. "She will kill you all. She's a fucking hybrid for God's sake."

"She's not a killer," Cari growled. I wish I could feel anything but pain at this moment because the fact that she defended me made me want to die of happiness. All I have done from the second I met her was worry that she would kill me if she knew who I was and yet here she was protecting me with her life. All of them were. They never doubted me for a second. I did not deserve all of this love.

"ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID!" Becky yelled and the whole room came to a halt again. Finally, the pain subsided after Becky's sidekick was distracted.


Slowly I got up, but I fell, still weak. Jess and Joseph caught me and straightened me up. The whole room was looking at me, waiting for my response.

"B-Becca," I stuttered trying to find my voice. "I-I have l-lived 24 years in hiding...never revealing myself. N-Not a single one of my friends knew what I was. Because if they knew I would be killed immediately...My parents were killed because of me. Because of who I am. Yet I have never killed a single person in my life, nor have I wanted to...but let me remind you, YOU threatened my MATE. So yes, I was going to kill your mate...and I have no regrets and I will do it again given the chance...but I would never harm a single hair on any of my friends' heads let alone my mate's. So yes, I am a hybrid. Yes, I could kill all of you. But I never would."

The room was silent. Everyone was staring at me unsure of what to do or say next. I looked to Cari for comfort. I was afraid I would see fear or anger but instead, I saw the same amount of love I saw when she was holding me in her arms when she thought I was human. I finally felt my fangs retract and my glowing eyes diminish as I looked at all my friends who were looking at me with love. I ran into Cari's arms and wrapped my legs around her waist as I nuzzled my face into her neck. I felt her whole body relax from the tension she had been holding as she squeezed me so tight, I thought I'd burst.

"Cari, too tight," I squeaked out.

"Sorry, love! I forgot," she exclaimed lightening her grip. This is all I ever wanted. I wanted to be loved. Accepted. I never thought it was possible but here I was alive. With a mate. With a group of friends that loved me enough, they'd fight till the death for me. Just like my parents did...

"Well, I hate to ruin this moment..." Becky said in her sinister voice. "But there is no way I am letting you live. I don't trust you."

"Look around you bitch," Joseph spat in anger. "It's 12 against 6. You don't stand a chance." Holy shit since when did Joseph grow some balls? I think everyone was thinking the same thing because we all just looked at him in shock.

Becky chuckled, "Please we all know you won't do anything little librarian. And Nat here gave away her only advantage so she's about as useless as your other pathetic human." She said looking over at Liz who was gripping onto Sabrina's arm for dear life.

"So, I'd say it's more like 9 to 6," she smirked. "But you know what...I bet I can even the odds... I mean hybrids are illegal..." She let her words linger dangerously in the air. I knew all too well how badly people wanted me killed. It would not be hard to find more people to hunt me down. Hell, the only reason these supernaturals are protecting me is because of the bonds we share. No supernatural would shed a tear over one less hybrid. Unless that hybrid is me apparently...

"You talk as if you are going to be leaving this room alive," Cari said almost playfully as she sat me on the desk next to her. Cari was using all of her 938 years of accumulated strength to emanate power. Her eyes were glowing bright red and her deadly fangs were on full display as she was grinning psychotically at Becky. If the sight of Cari sent a shiver of fear down my spine then Becky must be shitting herself.

"B-B-Becca, we need to go n-now," one of her witch sidekicks stuttered out. All three of the witches' eyes began to glow. Fuck they are going to teleport their pack out of here. Everything happened too fast for my human eyes to comprehend. I felt a strong breeze next to me and I noticed that Cari was no longer by my side anymore, but neither was Becky or her gang still in the room. Well, that's not good...

Then Cari slowly turned around to face us and my heart stopped. Cari stood there with blood dripping down her fangs and mouth and when I followed the trail of blood down, I saw an arm. An arm that did not belong to Cari... Cari ripped off Becky's entire arm from the shoulder down before she could teleport out unscathed.

"I got to hand it to her," Cari said using the disembodied arm to point at us. "She's quicker than I thought." She smirked playfully.

Yeah, that was it. I can handle blood but the second you go waving around an arm you just ripped off, I get a little queasy. I know call me crazy...

"Nope," I heard Liz say before she passed out like she was refusing to be in reality any longer.

"Fuck that," I said right before I joined Liz in a state of unconsciousness not being able to handle the sight before me either.

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