Ch. 4 - Café

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I woke the next morning still utterly confused. Why did she let us leave? She could have done whatever she wanted right then but she let us go. Maybe she didn't want the hassle of dealing with three supernaturals. Maybe she had a long-term plan? I needed to get her out of my head. I decided a run would help clear my thoughts. But I was definitely not a runner. It didn't matter how much running I did I never got faster than 10-minute miles. Which is honestly pretty good but when you know that even humans can run faster than you, then it puts things into perspective.

The good thing though is that I had to spend all my energy focused on running. It was the rhythmic pounding of my steps and the attention to my breathing that caused my worries to evaporate. At that moment the only thing that mattered was the slight burning of my lungs. I checked my watched and managed to run 2 miles in 22 minutes. Not bad but I knew my lungs were not going to take much more and my stomach was growling demanding to be fed. I was closer to the school café than home, so I decided I'd just have breakfast there instead.

The café was not too crowded which was good because I don't like dealing with people before I eat breakfast. I've been told by numerous people that I'm not a morning person and I can't say I disagree. I ordered my go-to breakfast: 2 eggs, bacon, and toast. I went to look for a seat. I notice a familiar face by the window. It was Liz and it looked like she was eating with Sabrina. I walked over.

"Morning guys," I said.

"Oh hey, Nat! Come sit with us." Liz patted the seat next to her.

"What brings you here? You never come to the café for breakfast," Liz inquired.

"I went for a run this morning and I was closer to here than home, so I figured why not," I shrugged as I dug into my food.

"Nat, running? In the morning?! I don't believe it!" Liz joked.

I laughed. Liz knew I hated the mornings, and she knew running was not my go to exercise of choice.

"I had to clear my thoughts," I said.

"Yeah, I can relate to that," Sabrina mumbled quietly. She was probably having the same dilemma as me.

She looked at us seriously for a second, "What do you guys think of Professor Wright?"

I gulped, but Liz answered first, "Well I mean she's a little weird towards us but she's so hot!" Liz looked like she was all dreamy-eyed.

"Liz she's your professor you can't sleep with the professor!" Sabrina cried.

"Not with that attitude!" She smirked and then laughed. Sabrina just put her head in her hand and shook her head mumbling something inaudible.

She snapped her eyes up to me, "Nat what do you think?"

I was at a loss for words. I wanted to say she terrifies me and all I want to do is get the hell out of her class. But obviously, I needed to play it cool.

"I agree with Liz I don't think she likes us much, but I'm definitely not going to jump into her bed any time soon," I joked.

Sabrina looked a little relieved but just then my phone rang. Emma was calling which was weird of her to call so early...

"Hey, Emma" I smiled.

"Nat where are you?!" she panicked.

"I'm at the café. Why?" I asked confused.

She just sighed in frustration and told me she was coming and hung up. That was very weird.

"Who was that?" Sabrina asked.

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