Ch. 9 - Cyber Consultant

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To say my life had been an absolute roller coaster the past week would be an understatement. At this point, nothing surprised me anymore. I can't even count the number of times I've had to stop a fight from breaking out between species. But today I was actually very excited because I didn't have to think about war or history or vampires. Today was my favorite cybersecurity class.

"Alright class as you know we developed a program at this school to increase cyber literacy and security." My cyber professor spoke. "Unfortunately, our faculty is not as technologically...competent as you all."

I rolled my eyes. That was being generous. I once literally watch one of my professors download a virus while trying to open his PowerPoint for class. I did not think that was even possible.

"So, you will be assigned a faculty member in which you will be their personal cyber consultant. Any questions they have, anything they need fixed or more secured is your responsibility. You will be graded on how much you teach them and how secure their devices are. Since I have taught you, please do not disappoint me. I will be checking in with your clients regularly to make sure you are performing well."

I was so excited. This is what I wanted to do. This was my passion. I wanted to help make people more secure online. I wanted to teach people about my passion. I could talk for hours about cybersecurity. I knew that I would learn so much from this experience.

"You were assigned at random so come and check who your clients are and then go meet with them. They are expecting you as soon as possible. Make me proud!"

I waited for the crowd of people to subside before I walked up searching for my name.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me" I breathed.

"What is it, Nat?" Liz came over to me as I stood just frozen in place.

She glanced down at the sheet and found my name.

"Oh shit."

"Does the universe hate me, Liz?"

"It seems that way." She patted my back and then left to meet her client.

Professor fucking Wright.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in" I heard the woman speak behind the door. And walked in slowly to meet the eyes of my enemy.

"Ah Nat, what great luck you have!" She smiled and spoke with a hint of sarcasm.

"Is that what you call it" I mumbled mainly to myself.

"What was that dear? Speak up!" She teased. I glared at her knowing full well she could hear me with her supernatural abilities. She probably heard me breathing before I even go into the building.

"I said I'm so excited to work with you," the sarcasm was hard to miss.

"Nat, you always try to challenge me," she chuckled darkly, "when are you going to learn I always win?"

I clenched my jaw in anger.

"You can be an arrogant asshole, you know that?" I was poking the beast, but I didn't care.

She tutted, "Now little one, is that any way you should be talking to me?"

"How I talk to you? Are you kidding me! You terrorize me and my friends every chance you get. Kyle almost lost it the other day because of what you called him!"

"Your friends have something that is mine!" She leaned in, speaking through clenched teeth.

"W-what? My friends wouldn't steal something," I said confused.

"You don't know who your friends are Nat."

"Yes, I do." Said narrowing my eyes at her. "They're good people."

She sighed loudly and pinched her nose in annoyance.

"Nat why do you have to be so difficult."

I smiled, "because it's part of my charm." Kill her with sarcasm.

That got a smile out of her.

"You're something else, you know that?" she laughed.

"I'm glad you think so!" I smiled.

She laughed, "So are you going to be nice to me now?"

"Mmm, I'll think about it" I winked.

"You're going to be quite the handful, aren't you?" She smirked.

"For you? You're going to need more hands..." I said leaning in and returning her smirk with my own.

"Oh, little one..." she leaned in too so that we were inches apart, "you are playing with fire."

"I'm not afraid of a little fire."

We were just frozen in the moment. Neither one of us wanting to break apart. If anything, it was as if a magnet was drawing us together. I was completely hypnotized by her. My heart pounding in my chest so hard that I felt like I could even hear it. Then my rational brain kicked in and I slowly backed away.

"Give me your phone, Nat."

"W-what? Why?" I stuttered, suddenly nervous.

"Now." Her tone was not one to be disobeyed so I took out my phone and handed it to her.

"Good girl." She smirked and as much as I did not want to admit it to myself, I got butterflies. She began typing something on my phone and then her phone rang.

"There you go." She handed me my phone smiling.

"If you're going to be helping me with my technology, I am going to need your number because... well I'm kind of like an old grandma when it comes to technology. That's why I enrolled in the program in the first place."

"Probably because you are an old grandma" I muttered to myself knowing she was an old vampire.

"What did you just say, Nat!" She looked shocked. Fuck I forgot about her hearing.

"U-uh, n-nothing Professor Wright...I promise by the end of the semester you are going to know more about cybersecurity than anyone in this school." I smiled, then added, "well besides me obviously."

She rolled her eyes, "Nat you know you're a little arrogant yourself," she laughed.

"I guess you're rubbing off on me," I shrugged.

"Or," she leaned in and cocked a brow, "maybe we're a little more similar than you think?"

"Impossible," I said, "I'm obviously far better than you," I teased.

"Nat you better get out of my office before I do something you'll regret." A sinister smile crossed her lips, and I knew that was my cue to run. I got up to leave and as I was walking out the door she spoke up.

"Nat," I turned to look at her, "I'm glad you got assigned to me," she said genuinely.

"Me too, Professor Wright." I smiled. I kind of enjoyed messing with her.

"Please call me Cari."

"Yes ma'am," I winked.

"Fire, Nat. Can burn you," She smirked.

"Looking forward to it," I said slyly.

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