Chapter 12: Confession

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3rd person:

Ellie walked out of the room. Luckily she had plenty of medical knowledge so Henry's seizure wasn't a big problem. However what was a problem was the fact that he had been ignoring the problem. Clearly he had been ignoring it for a while seeing as he apparently found it hard to see. Ellie knew she would have to make sure he had some kind of rest so she had put a dissolved sleeping medication.

Yet Ellie found it odd. Before Henry had seemed a powerfully person who was in good health. However now as she discovered more about him, she found he was the most unstable person she could have met. He had been rejecting his overall health. He would often stay emotionless which could suggest some kind of past trauma. Ellie thought nothing of the trauma and just thought to help the leader not suffer the pain of another seizure.

2 weeks later.....

Henry's  pov:

Dear diary

I've been unable to focus for the past week. Luckily Reginald appeared to be taking the amount of work I actually do. Still with the decreased work I still wasn't able to focus. And I started noticing something. It always happens when Ellie is around.

At first I thought nothing of it. However now it's clear how I feel for her. Yet at the same time, I don't want to force her to love me so I simply tryed giving her hints.

She can't really pick up on those hints so I now I have to ask her personally. I told her to meet me in my room tonight in hopes of asking. I hope it goes well.


I closed the small brown book I would usually write in. It was what I used to keep a record of events. Now I was nervous. Despite looking calm on the outside I was pretty much the definition of freaking out inside.

Henry(in head): Stay calm Henry. Stay calm. It won't be that bad. Just stay calm.

I kept telling myself to stay calm in my head which helped a little. Eventually she arrived. I readied myself hoping to not mess this up.

Ellie: You called for me.

Henry: Hi Ellie. Yes I called for you. I wanted to ask you something.

Ellie: Well what is it?

Henry (in mind): Say it. Go on then say it.

I looked over at her then said what I had been meaning to say for a while now.

Henry: What do you think of me?

Ellie: I'm sorry. What!?

Henry: As a person I mean.

Ellue: Oh. Well I mean you are pretty fun to hang out with. You're a good partner. Yeah. Youre a good friend.

Henry: No I meant as in what am I to you personally?

Ellie looked at me confused. She took a few minutes of thinking before saying her next words.

Ellie: A best friend of course.

Now I knew I would have to say it.

Henry: Well then do you know how feel for you?

Ellie: What do you mean? Aren't we friends?

Henry: We are. It's just that I've been.... I've been having a weird feeling for the past week.

Elkuw: Are you ill? Do you need any hel-

Henry:No. I'm fine. It's just...I've been having a weird feeling. And it happens when you're around. Like as in I can't think straight.

Ellie looked more confused then ever. She must've thought I had some new illness.. Now I was looking right into her eyes and took off my top hat.

Henry: Listen Ellie what I'm trying to say is that I-

Before I knew she had pressed a finger to my mouth. Her face was blushing like mad. What she said next, was said in low hushed voice.

Ellie: I love you too.

Then she pulled my lips forward against hers. I would've tried to pull away but ,in that moment, I forgot everything. I forgot about my problems, I forgot about where I was, I forgot who I was. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered. Eventually we pulled away and I ,embarrassed, bent down to pick up my top hat.

Henry: I.....thanks?

Ellie: You're welcome?.... Anyways wanna hang together at lunch together. Just us.

I think of this idea before speaking.

Henry: Yeah. That sounds good. Yeah.

Ellie: Kay. Uh huh....bye I guess.

Henry: Bye then.

She walked while I stood there reflecting on the past 2 months events. Never did I expect this to happen. Yet as walked to my room a smile spread across my face for the first time in years.

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