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"Then, Kingdom of Black Demons, you now have a new ruler!" Headmaster Argenti announced.

Everyone cheered, everyone clapped their hands, every dragons roared, every people inside the throne room is happy.

Finally, a new beginning. Finally, a new life. Finally, some peace.


Days, months, and 5 years have passed since the coronation. In the beginning of their ruling, it was never easy for them, especially Luna, who's new to being a leader and a ruler of a great kingdom.

But they adjusted, created new and better rules. Both of them created a kingdom that is great and better than it was before.

Challenges have crossed their way, challenges that they went through together. And right now, they have a challenge that they are going to face.

“Grab a warm water and a clean cloth and bring it her majesty's chambers! Hurry! You! Call the King, tell him that her majesty is in labor.” the head maid ordered the other maids.

Everyone is frantic, everyone is excited because finally, a new generation of rulers are here, 5 years of waiting and wishing, the babe is finally coming.

“AHHH! It's coming out! The baby is coming out!” Luna shouted.

“Breath your majesty, slow and steady.” the head maid calmly said while caressing the Queen's pregnant belly.

“Luna! How is she, is she alright, is the baby alright?!” King Christan asked, barging inside their chambers.

“AHHHH!! I'm never getting pregnant again!! You hear me Christan!? Never!” Luna shouted while in pain.

Delivering a baby is crucial, there's a possibility that the mother, or the child will die.

“Push your majesty, I already see the head!” the head maid said.

Christan frantically went to Luna's right side and grabber her arm, he squeezed it gently but Luna squeezed his arm hard and started pushing the babe out.

“IT HURTS! AHHHHHH! I can't do it, I can't! AHHHHH!”

“Push your majesty, push harder, you can do it! Do it for your child. Now push!”


And finally, the sound of a baby wailing was heard. The head maid lifted the baby and put it on Luna's chest.

“Your majesties, it's a boy!” the head maid announced. She excused herself and went to grab the clean cloth and the warm water.

“My queen, let me clean the babe first.” the head maid said an proceeded into grabbing the young babe and cleaned him thoroughly. After she cleaned the baby, she wrapped him in blue linen cloth and handed him to Luna.

“He's so beautiful, Christan. Our son is so beautiful.” Luna said while crying. Although she's tired, because of the excitement, she wasn't able to sleep or neither to rest. But Christan knew her well for they've been together for 5 years.

“Sleep my love, our son and I will be here when you wake up.”

“What should we name him?” Luna asked, looking at the baby.

“Christopher Louie Black, prince of Black Demon Kingdom.” Christan stated, staring at the baby who's also staring back at him with his emerald eyes.

“Christopher, I like it” Luna said and proceeded to rest.

“I love you, my love. Thank you for giving me this life. Thank you for giving me yet another person to love.” Christan said, kissing Luna's temple, and kissing Christopher's forehead.

Updated: May 13, 2024

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