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-After Luna jumped off his back-

‘‘I have a crazy rider’’ I said looking at the midnight dragon in front of me. Yes, I am the dragon of old, and this dragon in front of me, I fought alongside him before. He's powerful.

‘‘You sure do’’ he replied looking at me sympatheticly

“I still don't know how you're still in his grasp, Dyglo’’ I asked him, although on the outside we're fighting, in our mind, we're talking like the old times.

I may not want to follow his ways my friend, but he's my companion and I can do nothing but follow him. It is against my will, and until he turn his back on this evil schemes or – die, until then, I will not be free from his hold.”  he said shooting flames after flames at me.

“I feel sorry for you my friend, in time, trust us, we will free you. Me and my human, we will free you. I won't fail like the last time.” I said and roared at him and shoot fire balls, the size of a human head.

He's calling me for help, Imperium. He needs me to defeat your human, you know how I cannot disobey orders from him.” Dyglo said. His attacks getting frantic, as time goes by.

“Worry not, Dyglo. I will keep you busy until they finish down there. I hope that you do not underestimate my power.”

Knock me out as you wish dear friend, I wish  not to continue fighting anymore.”

Then I will do so, I am sorry for what I am about to do.”


Imperium roared loudly, it echoed around the battlefield, he glowed and glowed untill those who's looking at him is blinded by the light he's illuminating.

Imperium flew above Dyglo, shoot light beams and fire towards him, then summoned the air around Dyglo and strangled him by removing any air around the dragon, he then proceeded in grabbing his neck and smashed it to the ground below them, knocking the midnight dragon out.

The glowing light around Imperium subsided and he left Dyglo knocked out, promising to come back later for him.

The dragon of old then brought his attention towards his human who's fighting the man that he once known as a friend. But his attention was removed from Luna towards the demons that is trying to harm him. Imperium then released burst of fire towards the enemies, still controlled to not harm any comrades.

After some time, Imperium looked at his companion who's continuously attacking the leader of the demons. And up to this point, a lot of demon's attention is already at Luna, making their way towards her without her knowing as she's only paying attention to the man she knows killed her parents, the parents she needed but never knew who they really are.

She's consumed by rage. At this point, she's going to kill him without mercy, and I know for a fact that she will not like that.’ Imperium then flew towards his human, crushing every demon that is going to attack her with his tail and wrapped his paws around his human.

Calm down little one. Calm down. Don't do something that you will regret after. Calm down” Imperium said.

“Isn't this what's supposed to be!? Us finishing him!?” she shouted struggling to be free from Imperium's hold.

Not this way. Not in this way little one. Calm down. This is not the victory you will want.”

“He killed my parents, the one I really needed, the one that I dreamed of meeting, the one that should have taken care of me. He killed them.”

I know little one, and I'm sorry. I could've prevented that, but little one, this isn't the right thing, and you know that. You're better than him.” Imperium said loosening his hold on Luna as she stopped struggling.

It's hard when everything you ever wanted was taken from you without you even knowing it. But learn to accept it little one, you can do it and you will, in time.”

Thank you Imperium. You can release me now, I know now what to do.”

Imperium's hold on Luna is completely gone. Luna walked towards a beaten up man, cuts, burnt marks everywhere, bruises and a bleeding temple.

“As I've said a lot of times, you're no god.” Luna said, pointing her sword at the man's neck.

“Before I end you, any last words?”

“I am Kaden Siege, and I am a god.” he said  as he stabbed Luna with a hidden dagger from his back belt.

“And a coward.” Luna smirked and knocked Kaden out.

I'm proud of you little one, now let's get that dagger off you.” Imperium said and moved his mouth towards the dagger but even before he could hold the dagger to his mouth, a large, worried, and angry wolf ran to Luna and growled at Imperium. The dragon of old snorted, and shaked his head, not believing that this alpha cannot think straight at the moment.

“Calm down, Christan. He's trying to help. He's not going to hurt me.” Luna said, scratching his large head.

Christan moved aside and sat in front of Luna, giving Imperium the access to Luna's impaled side, Imperium removed the dagger making Luna groan and Christan growl at Imperium but the dragon didn't pay any mind at the overprotective alpha and continued to heal Luna.

After the healing process, Dexter, who made his way towards them while Imperium was healing Luna helped her up to her feet and helped her up Christan's back.

“Let's get you back to the quarters now, shall we?” Dexter said, smiling at Luna.

“I would love that, thanks.”


Updated: June 13, 2023


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