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Chapter 10


Feeling shocked on what Headmaster said, I headed to my room 'cause the classes are already finished. Sighing, I entered my room and took a seat on my bed.

After a while of thinking about headmaster and I's talk, I heard a cracking sound coming from beside my bed and saw Imperium's egg, cracking.

“Come on little one, you can do it.” I said, encouraging Imperium and it seems like he heard me, making the egg shake a bit.

I chuckled and encouraged him more until a large chunk of eggshell fell off and a small snout came out of thag hole

“Hi.” I said smiling widely.

I waited for another minute until he's fully out.

Dark, vibrant violet color from the top fading to black until it reaches his tail, and a beautiful doe galaxy eyes.

“Hi, bud.” I said scooping him up, cradling him. He nuzzles his face on my cheeks and he kinda started purring.

“Hi, Luna.” I heard a male voice inside my mind. I gently pulled away from him and stared at his gorgeous eyes.

“Is that you?” I asked him and got a nod in response. I gasped and hugged him again.

“I'm so delighted to meet you.” I whispered caressing Imperium's back.

So do I.” I then again heard Imperium's voice inside my head.

After a few minutes of us hugging I remember my and headmaster's conversation once again.

“I'm sorry bud.” I whispered hugging him tightly.

“What for?” he asked.

“I have to hide you for the time being.” kissing his muzzle, I set him down on my bed and kneeled in front of him.

It's alright. I know what a person's greed can do.” he said licking my face.

“Thank you for understanding, love.”

After a few hours of me and Imperium talking, we both fell asleep cuddled with each other.


Morning came and I remembered every event from yesterday. Especially, Headmaster and I's conversation.

- Flashback-

You remember that I said that you and your dragon are in the prophecy, right? Let me tell you the prophecy, child.

It is said that:

A girl with a heart of a warrior
A girl with the courage that is admired by all.
She will be the savior, everyone is waiting for

A heart of gold,
With the dragon of old.
Along with her newfound family,
It is surely their victory when
Greed is their greatest enemy.

I am telling you this to be more prepared. But remember, you're not alone.”

- Flashback end -

Getting up, I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Wearing my uniform, I headed to headmaster's office to inform him about Imperium, hatching.

I knocked on the door thrice, and heard a faint ‘come in’ from headmaster.

“Good morning, headmaster.” I said going in and sat on chair in front of headmaster's table.

“What can I do for you, child?” headmaster asked looking at me while taking off his reading glasses.

“I just want to infor you that Imperium hatched and I was wandering if Imperium and I's place is done? I want to get accustomed to the place sooner since Imperium is growing quickly.”

“It is in fact, done. I'll tell some servants to help you pack, so that you two can move in easily.” he said after thinking for a while.

“That will be great headmaster, thank you.” I said standing up, then bowed a bit and walked to the door, but before I can even twist the door knob I heard headmaster say something.

“I am truly sorry, child but it has to be done.” he said.

“I truly understand, headmaster. No need to worry about it.” I said then walked out the room.

July 19, 2022

Hi :)

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