Chapter 52- The Trial

Comenzar desde el principio

“Are you ready?” Bridget asked me as she came into the living room.

“I’m ready,” I told her as I grabbed her hand and lead her to the door.

“We’ll be back as soon as we can,” Bridget said before closing the door behind her.

We loaded into my truck and headed towards the courthouse in Nashville. It was a quiet drive. Bridget was picking at her fingernails which told me that she was nervous. Even though I had no clue why she had any reason to be. We pulled around behind the courthouse and parked the truck. Bridget and I went in and met with our lawyer before heading to the courtroom to take our seats behind the prosecutor’s bench. I held Bridget’s hand as the trial began. They recessed for lunch and upon return I had to testify.

“We call to the stand, Mr. Luke Bryan,” the prosecutor said.

I got up and went to take the stand. I took the oath and sat down. I was not looking forward to this. Not with Bridget here. I didn’t want her to see this. They started questioning me about everything that happened leading to our arrival at the hunting cabin and I did just fine. When they started questioning me about everything else I lost my breath. I was starting to hyperventilate. I looked up and Bridget was standing.

“Ms. Bowman, please sit,” the judge said.

“It’s Bryan,” Bridget said while she remained standing.

“Excuse me ma’am?” the judge said.

“It’s Bryan. Bridget Bryan,” Bridget stated.

“Mrs. Bryan, please sit down,” the just asked.

“He can’t breathe. He’s hyperventilating,” Bridget said without taking her eyes off me.

The judge looked over to me and saw that I was gasping for air, “I call thirty minute recess. Everyone needs to be out of here immediately. And can we get a paramedic in here now?”

Bridget instantly came running to me. She knelt in front of me and grabbed my hands.

“Luke, look at me,” Bridget said calmly, “Breathe. In and out. In and out.”

I felt my breathing start to stabilize, “I can’t do this.”

“Yes, you can. You just have to breathe, Luke,” Bridget told me.

“I can’t,” I shook my head.

“Can’t isn’t in your vocabulary. Luke, look at me. You can do this. I promise you can do this,” Bridget encouraged me.

“Can I get a drink?” I asked quietly.

“Here,” on officer handed me a bottle of water.

“Can we take him somewhere to lay down for a few minutes?” I asked.

“This way,” the officer stated as he ushered us through the door behind us into the judge’s chamber.

Bridget and I sat down on the couch and I drank the water that the officer had given me.

“When did you get married?” the lead prosecutor asked Bridget and I.

“August,” Bridget said as she looked up at the prosecutor.

“Why are we just being told this?” the prosecutor asked as Bridget and I’s lawyer, James Westcott, came into the chamber.

“Because it has no bearing on this case,” James said as he came to my side.

“Can we have some privacy for a few minutes?” Bridget asked politely.

“Yes, Mrs. Bryan,” the judge said, “Everyone out.”

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