carefully he gets under the covers making sure he doesn't move the bed or make much sound.
but before he turns the light off, a stray droplet in the corner of her closed eye catches his attention. the tear is clearly recent as he notices her wet lashes fanned against her upper cheeks.

He wants to give her space, yet he can't help but worry. he's not sure if that's a good idea anymore. he realizes he's been somewhat doing that for the past couple months, keeping her in the dark and there hasn't been much communication. so it all starts to click in place slowly.

Yoongi doesn't know when he fell asleep while watching her in peace, but when he opens his eyes it's still very dark and he feels very warm. he doesn't move his body but tilting his head down he realizes she's nestled into his outstretched arm. he stares at her for a moment and the sight is enough to wash away all that was weighing on him before. at least for the moment as he drifts back to sleep.


when she rolls around, she finds the bed deserted. Soojin feels more tired and worn out than usual. her body feels heavy, yet she feels extremely drained and empty at the same time.
after washing up in the bathroom she walks to the kitchen, feeling lightheaded as she remembers she also didn't eat dinner the night before.

Once she steps in the kitchen, she stops in her tracks a little startled to find Yoongi sitting at the table. since he should be gone at this hour. she pauses for a moment before walking to the fridge to grab some orange juice. she cuts a small lime and squeezes it in her glass. it's been helpful with the morning sickness.

"come eat your breakfast" his tone comes out different from last night. the softness and vulnerability replaced with a mandatory and steadier voice. grabbing the glass she turns to see a plate of fresh avocado toast on the table. the only thing she can down these mornings and he knows it.

"why'd you skip your schedule?" she asks in between bites and he squints trying to understand if she's mocking or actually being serious. but after a moment as she doesn't break eye contact he licks his dry lips before speaking.
"because i think we need to talk"

she looks away and drops the toast on the plate feeling a bubbling sensation in her stomach.

"talk to me Soojin, use your words and tell me what's bothering you?" again his voice is demanding and though his expression is patient but she can't help and feel scared of actually speaking.

Soojin doesn't know how to approach this situation. is she gonna call him out right now? but for what? is she gonna accuse him of something? but of what? she sighs and comes up with the easiest response.

"you. you're bothering me"

her reply comes short and takes them both by surprise, making his heart lurch as though he's being punched. his eyes widen slightly and he leans back a little trying to make sense of what she said. he sighs and finds himself short for words for a moment.

"how am i bothering you?" he asks hiding his sadness as he puckers his lip to the side. the sun hits him from behind and the frizzy blonde hairs around his head stand out like a crown and his expression makes her feel sorry for him.

still his question makes her question herself for a moment before she speaks again.

"i don't know"

"i think you do"

She does, but she's scared to admit it to herself. she's scared that once the words are out he will admit it too and there won't be no turning back. Soojin thinks she rathers stay in this rut with him than lose it completely but she knows it's just gonna ruin them both eventually.

Yoongi searches her face as the thoughts cross her mind. the sun directly hitting her in the face, her pale skin glows and her dark hair shines as she hugs one knee close to her chest. she finally replies.

"are you cheating on me?" her words blurt out shaky and unsure and she avoids his eyes.

"what? why would you think that?" he frowns leaning closer to the table a little offended.

"cause you've been keeping secrets from me"

"secrets? what kind of secrets?" he asks clearly rattled.

"um i don't know? the kind that would make me resent JiJi for the rest of my life and for you to hurt me like i don't deserve it"

as her loud voice and familiar words sink in, he just nods in response not seeing any way out of this, before opening his mouth to clear the misunderstanding.

"i'm not cheating on you. not with JiJi. not with anyone else" his voice comes out steady once again before it falls back to a lower tone "and it upsets me that you would think you're not more than enough for me, but i think i deserved that for making you feel that way"

She shakes her head to the side a little annoyed at herself but before she can reply he beats her to it.

"and you're right. i've been keeping secrets and you have every right to be mad for that, but let me explain what you think you heard first" he replies and watchs her breathing quicken a bit at the pre confession.

Yoongi gets up and circles the table to sit next to her. their legs touching gently. he's found subtle acts of closeness to always calm her down easier than a direct touch like a hug or a kiss so he refrains from doing so.

after a few moments of hesitation she slowly tangles her leg around his like a permission or a sign for him that she's ready and looks up at him waiting for an explanation.

REMEDY 2 (Yoongi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now