as Jimin starts walking away the trio nervously drop their heads trying to seem as normal as possible, but fortunately for them the young singer and his gaurds go the other way.

"okay let's go!" Nari phews and without another word walks up to Yoongi's door but a gaurd walks up instanly putting a hand in front of the half open door.

"I'm sorry, no one except staff members can go inside" He looks down at the girl and then the other two standing to the side catch his attention, he frowns "how did you get in here?"


once Jimin leaves, Yoongi walks in the room but leaving the door almost open.
now all alone, without the shouts, the energy or any company as the buzz starts to wear off, he lazily grabs the bottle of whiskey from the tray and pours himself a generous glass.

just then the commotion happening outside grabs his attention. he walks up closer behind the door to listen easier.

"you have to leave right now girls, or i'm gonna have to call the police"

"we've come a long way, please. we just wanna see him" the girl pleads in a too whiney tone and Yoongi can't help but scoff taking a long sip of his drink. the excuse sounds so repetitive to his ear he almost closes the door, but the emptiness in the room echos louder than the girl's voice in the hall.

"Mark, let them in" He pulls the door fully open, his eyes landing on the slightly curvy girl in front of the gaurd. he looks her up and down with a straight face. her ripped denim short shorts barely covering much of her long legs, letting the burden fall on the boots coming up to her knees. a loose sweater dropping the side of her shoulder occupies the top.

a smirk slowly creeps on his lips as they lock eyes, her blue contacts to an expert like him are too obvious but the sangria red bangs almost covering over her lids shadow them slightly.

Nari tries to keep her cool at the side of his half naked body, a few tattoos spreading across his pale glistening skin, under his piercing gaze, but can't help and break into an overexcited smile which immediately throws him off.
Yoongi leaves the door open and walks inside.
but as the girls are about to do the same Mark extends his hand again stopping them.

"IDs?" he asks with a stone cold straight face, like he's done this a million times.

once they settle onto the couch, JiJi leans back curiously looking over racks and racks of wardrobe on the side, while Eunjae nervously wraps her arms around herself, which Yoongi picks up on quickly.
He casually turns to the girls lifting the bottle.
"are you girls old enough to drink?"

"yes!" Nari says from her seat, legs crossed and fingers twirling the locks of hair falling down her shoulder desperately catching his attention again.

"no you're not. you're nineteen" JiJi scoffs from where she's sitting across from her easily guiding his eyes to her.

"how old are you?" he asks monotonously.

"twenty three!"

raising his brows he walks over and hands her the bottle which she accepts a little skeptical. he looks around the piled up room and the only comfortable wide enough space right now is at  Nari's side, so hesitantly he drops to the couch next to her.

"so did you enjoy the show?" he asks the awfully quiet girl sitting next to JiJi.

"um, sure! i mean yes! it's always amazing" Eunjae mumbles nervously avoiding his eyes. Nari takes this opportunity to lean closer to him. breathing almost next to his ear, despite all the sweat, he smells clean and like very expensive men's cologne.

unaware of how close she's gotten, Yoongi can feel her breath tickling down his skin. unexpectedly he turns his head to her. their faces inches away. she freezes in her place at once.

his face upclose is more serene and beautiful than even in professional photos. a trickle of sweat runs down his temple and his blonde bangs are pressed against his perspirated forehead.
his eyes fall to her parted red stained lips before abruptly looking away again. as quickly as he had looked at her.

"i don't force anyone to keep me company" he turns to Eunjae indifferently but looking straight through her "you're more than free to leave if you don't wanna be here"

"i know someone who would want to be here" JiJi laughs sipping her drink and catching her playful drift Eunjae realizes too making her smile as well before speaking "oh she would kill to be here, she literally looks up to you"

"where is she then?" Yoongi asks genuinely intrigued but the pairs light giggles fall silent as they share an unsure look.

"we don't know!" Eunjae says quietly looking away.

"even if she was here she'd be a tad bit too goody two shoes for you" Nari rolls her eyes with a huff leaning closer to him.

"i wouldn't mind. that's kind of my top fantasy" he leans back in his seat with a smug smile, rolling his tongue in his cheek.
"you said you came a long way?" he asks.

"oh yes very long." Nari replies before JiJi jumps in again. "not that long we drove from Jinhae"

She squints at the older with a shrug before shifting in her seat to completely face him. her sweater falling lower down her shoulder and the pink fabric of her bra slightly poking through. his gaze falls to the exposed skin.

"hmm i like Jinhae" he murmurs making eye contact and she finds this to be an inviting opening. she leans closer looking at him with a sad pout.
"then how come you never come to Jinhae?"

"maybe you should give me something, to look forward to a visit" he playfully pinches her chin with a smirk.

"i'm sorry but i have to go make a call" Eunjae gets to her feet so fast the blood rushes to her head as the three of them look at her hastily struggle to open the door. she leaves closing the door behind her.

"do you have to make a call too?" Yoongi turns to JiJi who sits back in the couch sipping her drink unbothered. he looks at her with such intensity as if raising a challenge or quizzing her to see if she's up for the task.

"no i'm good" she replies coolly and her response is not surprising to him.

"good, the more the reason, the sooner i'll visit Jinhae"

REMEDY 2 (Yoongi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now