Chapter One.

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Spring, 1974.

Pearls were always a necessity to go with her collared button up, with a baby blue vest over it. She wore some khaki pants that were pressed neatly, her curly hair was tied back in a neat bun but small curls arose and Mariposa tried to tuck in the curls but they just were too stubborn to stay in her bun. Her mother always told her that straigented out her hair would be the best option since Mariposa mostly went to school with people that didn't look like her.

Mariposa refused to detain herself in order to fit in with them just because she would get odd stares or how people would say her hair was unprofessional during her debates or presentations. Some people say hair is just hair but to her, her hair was everything. It was one thing that she had control over since every aspect of her life was directed and she just wanted one thing to herself to keep her sanity.

"Goodness gracious," Mariposa hummed.

Looking in the reflection of a car window, she repeatedly smoothed down the curl with her index and middle finger, it looked like a boxing match and so far she was losing terribly. Mariposa exhaled as her hands fell to her side, she smacked her lips and she looked at herself in the reflection of the creamed colored Toyota.

"Can you hurry up, I don't have all day and can't you stop foolin' around with that hair of yours," Dottie, who was Mariposa's science partner.

Mariposa rolled her eyes because she hated Dottie so much but in order for them to pass their lab, she had to work with her even though Mariposa was pretty sure that Dottie was racist.

About eighty percent of her class were and she knows because of how they always had their eye on her, they always tried to point out a mistake even though it wasn't one from the beginning and they tried to keep her from being the best when the one time someone tried to sabotage her lab but being the top five percent in her class, she always figured something out.

"Oh hush Dottie, I don't even like you and I don't want to work on this project with you," Mariposa stated.

Dottie rolled her blue eyes, she put her manicured hand on her hip and her red hair flowed down to her side. She was a pretty girl (ugly personality) with freckles all over her face, her features were quite small. Small eyes, nose, lips and ears. A lot of the boys found her attractive because she was one of the many girls that was a little easy which Mariposa never tried to judge because it wasn't her business. But, Mariposa wasn't one of them, she didn't even like any of the boys from her class anyway and she was fine with that. "I don't want to work with no porch monkey anyway," Dottie huffed out and Mariposa smirked, those little slurs didn't hurt her none and people could call her those types of things all day and she wouldn't shed a tear.

"What makes you think I wanted to work with you? A goldfish fish is smarter than you and they only have fifteen second memory," Mariposa argued.

Dottie scoffed as she walked off and Mariposa shrugged as she walked down the sidewalk.

The girls said they would study at this local burger place since Dottie didn't want to go to Mariposa's house and Mariposa surely as hell didn't want to go to Dottie's house.

The two college girls walked into the burger joint and Mariposa couldn't even make out the many smells she was smelling but she knows it had something to do with the greasy burgers and the smelly college jocks. Mariposa scrunched up her nose as she walked in behind Dottie who quickly fixed her red tresses and she smiled as she saw Eli who was the captain of their football team sitting with his friends. He turns around and a smile spreads across his face at the sight of Dottie but his face softened more at Mariposa. Mariposa rolled her eyes as she walked to one of the booths to get studying because she didn't have any time for frolicking with boys.

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