Chapter 8

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It's been almost an hour since Y/N was put in the medjack hut. She and Newt were still in there. She was almost all better and he stayed by her side the whole time.

"I think I'm ready to go back." she announced to the blonde.
"Yeah, you sure love?" Newt asked.

Every time Newt would call her "love", she would instantly weaken and feel butterflies fill up her stomach. She only recently started liking it so much.

"Yeah I am. I'm feeling hungry actually; dinner's soon."
"Good thing you're hungry! Do you need more water?" he asked ready to reach out for the glass of water standing on a small wooden table.
"No but you could give me that spoon over there." she asked the boy.
"Why's that?"
"I want to see what I look like. There's no mirror in here, so the spoon is my only option. And I think that after passing out and sweating like Gally for the whole day, I'm as attractive as a Griever." she said laughing.

Newt looked at her carefully; to him she was always beautiful. Her hair was messy in the cutest way possible and the little bit of sweat on her face only made her glow even more.

"You don't need that when you have me love." Newt said taking the spoon away from her small hands.
"Hey! C'mon Newt I don't want to look like hell in front of everybody. I still have an ego at the end of the day." she answered playfully.
"Well I think that you look beautiful."

Newt accidentally let the words slip out of his mouth. Immediately after saying so, she turned her head to him slightly blushing. She didn't thought she heard him right;

"You said I'm what?" she questioned.
"I- I eh- said what I said. I mean it. You're very beautiful. Inside and out."

He didn't know how to make up for it. He didn't mean to tell her so much, but it was too late. Newt couldn't help but feel like he was blushing so he looked away.

"Well thank you Newt." the girl said quietly. "That's definitely the nicest thing some one had ever said to me."

The butterflies in her stomach were multiplying; Newt called her beautiful. She thought this was the best day in the Glade.

"Alright well, now let's just go eat with the other alright?" Newt said breaking the silence.

She nodded and he helped her up. They made their way to the kitchen; it smelled so good. Frypan made his famous stew. Y/N and Newt sat down with Thomas, Minho and Frypan.

"There she is!" Thomas announced when he saw the girl approach his table. "Glad you're standing up."
"Of course I am; I thought you knew me enough to know I don't like to rest for so long." she answered laughing. The other boys laughed. "Thank you for carrying me out Thomas. I appreciate it."
"No worries at all; I did what I had to do." Thomas said smiling.
"So now that you're okay, can you tell me what the shuck you were thinking not drinking any water?" Minho said with no tact.
"Dude." Frypan said hitting Minho in the elbow. "She got out 5 minutes ago, let her breathe."
"It's okay Frypan, I'm used to Minho by now." the girl said sarcastically. She then addressed herself to him;
"I don't know what I was thinking. I wanted to leave enough for the others and I didn't really realize that I wasn't drinking much. I'll be more careful for the next days."
"You better be." Thomas said. "It's alright to be selfish sometimes. Plus, we all got scared. Especially this one right there." he finished pointing at Newt.

All eyes were laid on the blonde. Y/N knew Newt cared for her more than the other Gladers. but it felt nice to hear that others could see it too. She didn't want him to feel embarrassed so she said;

"Well at least he cares am I right? I'll be right back, I'll go get more water." She got up and left the table to make her way to the water station.

"Okay now that she's gone spill it lover boy." Minho said.
"What are you talking about Minho." Newt said knowing exactly what he was going to talk about.
"You and Y/N! You told me y'all weren't a thing but I can clearly see that there is something."
"Yeah and I answered you that we are just friends." Newt answered picking at his plate.
"No I can see it too. You really like her. And more than just friends." Frypan said. "Ain't no need to be ashamed of that! It's better to admit it."
"We are your best friends after all; we know you. We notice how much you light up like an idiot when she's near you. So just trust us. Tell us if there's something." Minho said.
"Well..." Newt started. "It's like admitting it out loud and telling you guys would make it real."

Newt took a deep breath to continue. He explained to his best friends how he's been in love with her for the longest time, how she practically saved his life and how he was always good whenever she was around. He felt so naive just spitting everything out but he had to let it out of his chest. He felt his friends were truly listening to him and it felt great to know so. He felt a weight get off his shoulders.

From their side, Minho Thomas and Fryian realized how genuine Newt was with his feelings towards
Y/N. They have had a few chats about Newt liking the girl, joking around about it but now that he was confessing everything, it made sense.

"Damn. That was deep man." Minho said after Newt was done.
"Dude are you serious?" Thomas said staring his eyes wide open at Minho. "He just told us so much and you want to make fun of him?"
"No, no that's not what I meant to do." Minho said defensively. "I really mean it; that was deep. We've been watching you for months and it's true; now that you're saying it I can clearly see how she made a difference in your life. You're lucky to feel that way for some one. I don't know how that would ever feel." he admitted.
"When we get out of here, I hope you do." Newt answered looking at the boy. "I hope you all do."

Newt made them promise to keep this between them. If he had to tell her, he would. She needed to hear it from him and not from another. She finally made her way back and the the boys stopped talking, scared she might've heard something.

"What is it? Did I do anything?" she asked cautiously.
"If you only knew..." Minho said under his breath, receiving a soft hit behind the head from Frypan.

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