Chapter 4

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~Newt's pov~
I awoke in the Homestead in the same position I fell asleep last night. I looked down to see Y/N face deep into my neck as she was holding me firmly with one arm. This was probably the best moment I've experienced in the Glade. Everything felt to serene, so peaceful. Like nothing could break what was happening. I ran my hand through her Y/H/C hair when Zart entered the room.

"Hey guys!" Zart said a little too loudly.
"Great." I thought to myself. Zart really had to come ruin the moment.

Y/N woke up alarmed and sat up straight in the bed. She probably thought something had happened, hence her heavily loud breathing. But no, it was just Zart telling us to wake up.

"Zart, that's not the proper way to wake somebody up." the girl answered with a low voice. I then sat in the bed and asked Zart;

"What happened anyways?"
"It's Alby. He woke all of us up earlier and sent me to get you guys and Minho. There's an emergency meeting in the Gathering room in 2 minutes. Be there. He doesn't look well..." Zart finished as leaving the room.
"Fantastic." Y/N said sarcastically. "I'm not too excited to know what this meeting is about."
"It'll be fine, don't worry about it. Let's get you up." I answered as I got out of the bed. I reached my hand towards the girl and grabbed her small hand gently to help pull herself from the bed. When she got on her two feet and felt dizzy and sat back down.

"I don't know if I can face everybody's questions this morning." she admitted.
"You'll have to one day or another anyways. I haven't even asked you what happened even though I really wanted to... I think they will go easy on you for once." I said to reassure her.
"Stay with me the whole time?" she proposed.
"You know I will." I said as I placed my arm around her shoulders and walked with her to the Gathering room.

~Narrator's pov~
Y/N and Newt entered the Gathering room among with the rest of the Gladers. Alby was standing up in the front center, as usual. Newt saw Minho sitting on the chair beside Alby. He thought it was weird to see Minho sit in his usual spot.

"You're sitting next to Alby? Shouldn't you be with the rest of the Gladers?" Newt asked quietly to Minho.
"Not today. Y/N and I are requested to sit at the front. I guess you can grab a seat in the first row." Minho answered.

Newt looked at the girl and tilted his head towards the empt chair next to Minho as if he was telling her to sit there. The girl hesitated but finally sat down as Alby raised his voice to have everyone's attention. Newt simply sat between Thomas and Frypan, in the front row.

"What's going to happen to them?" Thomas whispered to Newt. He was only here for a day and there was already an emergency meeting.
"I honestly don't know. We don't have many emergency meeting around here. I guess Alby just wants to know what happened in the maze." the blonde answered.
"Alright boys, listen up!" Alby started. "I woke you guys up early this morning, and I'm sorry about it but I didn't want the meeting to interrupt our daily chores."

Alby paused and turned his body towards the two runners. Minho looked a little pale and Y/N was playing with her fingers nervously. She didn't feel like talking about what happened the day before. She looked up to Newt and saw the boy looking at her with reassuring eyes. She took a deep breath and focused on Alby's words. She found some sort of strength in Newt's eyes and it calmed her down. She was ready to face the situation.

"As we're all aware of, we don't know what caused the incident that happened yesterday. So Minho,
Y/N, we're here to sort this out. This is just a formality; nobody's in trouble."
"Yeah not yet you mean..." said Zart a little too loudly. He really had a tendency of saying the wrong things at the wrong times. Y/N looked at Zart, suddenly panicked. She knew she could get in trouble for something.

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