Paul and Percy

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This is multiple stories featuring Paul!
Hope you enjoy!

The first one is very short, but sweet.
Percy POV-

My mom had left me home alone with Paul, taking Annabeth and Estelle with her to the mall for a "girls day". I didn't mind. Paul was awesome. I did miss Annabeth though.

"Hey Percy!" He called from the kitchen. I stood up from my bed where I was laying and headed that way.

"Yes Paul?" I asked.

"I just realized we've never had a boys day. Let's go head out and do something fun."

I realized that he was right. We've never actually hung out without my mom. When she left the house to go get something, I usually stayed in my room and Paul would clean the kitchen or something. I didn't know. Like I said, I stayed in my room. But it sounded fun to do something different.

"Sounds awesome. Can I get changed first though?"

"Of course, we don't need you walking down the streets of New York in your pajamas." I laughed as he ruffled my hair as he pushed me towards my room.

After getting dressed into something more fitting for the day, I headed back to the kitchen, where Paul was waiting for me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"How about we take a trip a bit out of the city and go hiking or something fun like that?" I smiled at him.

"Sure. That sounds great."

"Good, because I already called Sally and told her that was what we were doing." I laughed.

We drove for a while until we finally made it to some trail somewhere. I really wasn't sure. I just got in the car and went along for the ride. If Annabeth were here, she'd tell me every little detail about the trail, including the person who first carved the path. Then her story would change and she would talk about some other trail somewhere. And it would keep going until I knew about every trail in the United States.

We started the hike, laughing and joking around. I kept at a bit slower pace than usual, just to make sure I didn't get to far in front of Paul. He pointed out different animals to me. It was peaceful, no monsters or annoying gods in sight.

After the hike, we headed out to eat at Dairy Queen. We were still talking and joking around. I never realized Paul was actually really fun. He always struck me as the boring English teacher... maybe because that was his job.

"Thanks for taking me hiking, Dad," I said before biting into my cheeseburger. His eyes went wide and mine did too after I realized what I had just said. I put a hand on my forehead. "Sorry! I didn't mean-"

He smiled at me. "Don't apologize, Percy." He pulled me into a hug.

Later, when we got home, my mom decided that they would be going out on another girls day next week, seeing how well Dad and I had bonded since they had left.

Very short, I know. Here's a kinda funny one about Paul meeting Annabeth.The ending has some cute Percabeth fluff too! Set before BotL.

Annabeth POV-

I slipped on a pair of black sweatpants, preparing to brace the cold of Manhattan. I scanned the cabin, looking for something, anything, to wear to Percy's. Chiron was letting me leave the camp, and not for a quest. Just a nice meal with Percy, his mom, and his mom's boyfriend, Paul. Percy said he was really nice, nicer than his old stepdad.

Percabeth Fluff and Other Stuff IIWhere stories live. Discover now